The Facebook message

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Now it's even harder to keep my secret! I hate being the bully. The one everyone is scared of. But I can't do anything about it, it's Perrie she loves the control she has over people, especially Jade Thirlwall. She doesn't admit it, but I know she likes her. Just the way she looks at Jade gives it away. Now with that new girl being nice to me, it's just making me like her. Maybe even fall for her. She's so perfect. With her blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She had a warm friendly smile but her eyes were filled with sadness, no matter how much she smiled it wouldn't hide the pain I know only too well. Her voice was amazing, way better than she thinks. She said something about a care home, I was shocked, maybe she was adopted. I think I should ask her. I can't tell her I think I like her. No one can know. No one even knows I'm bi. I'll just add her on Facebook. There's no harm in that, right?

I sent the friend request and about half an hour later she accepted it. Now I'll just send a message.

To Clary

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for caring earlier. And sorry for today.x

Her reply came fast after

From Clary

Hey, don't worry. I'm used to it. Just following the crowd right? I shouldn't of asked. I mean we are totally different anyway.x

Wow I wasn't expecting that. I felt bad. Maybe I should meet up with her?

To Clary

Can we meet up?x

From Clary

Umm, sure. Where and when?x

To Clary

At the park? ASAP?x

From Clary

I'll be there in 5 x

Maybe we could be friends? Without anyone knowing? It will be hard but I am willing to try if she is.


I headed to the park, I didn't quite understand why she wanted to meet me. I mean she's hot and popular. 'wait what did you just think? You're straight!' I thought of her amazing brown eyes that I got lost in earlier, her amazing smile and the way the room went black when she started to sing like an angel sent from god. 'So now you believe in god and heaven? What's gotten into you?' I wasn't sure. All i knew is that, no matter who she is, she deseves a chance. Right? 'Right, and since when have you wanted to get close with people again?' Since she gave me a chance.

I was already tired of my mind arguing with itself, I seem to this a lot, maybe im crazy. 'yep seems about right' Shut up.

I got to the park and I found that I was alone, Ellie was nowhere to be seen. Maybe the was a set up, maybe she brought me here so a group of her friends could kick the crap out of me. 'come on you really think she'd stoop so low?' She is one of them. 'what happened to giving her a chance? Maybe she will prove you wrong?' Maybe.

"Hey." A voice from behind me said.

"Hey, Ellie" I didn't sound very happy, but I wanted to know why I was here. Not make small talk. "Why did you want to see me?" I asked. It did kinda spill out. I was going to lead up to it. Too late now.

"Look I know after today you may think you hate me, when I'm sure you don't." What does she mean? 'She is so right.'

"What do you mean?" 'You know full well what she means' shhh.

"I mean, deep down you know I'm not like them. I'm not like them, I may be the popular one with the hot quarter back boyfriend and head cheerleader, but I'm nothing like them. I know you see it, you wouldn't be here if you didn't." 'Damn she's head cheerleader! That's hot.' What the hell! Now you think that's hot? 'Come on, you do too. We're the same person!'

"I know you're not like them, you have feelings." 'You go girl!' Really?

"I know the things they do are unfair, and to a certain extent, cruel. I know that believe me. I want us to work. We won't be able to tell them but I really want to be friends with you." I'm speechless. 'Well hurry up and say something, you're staring again.' I shook out of it.

"You mean well, I can see that, but I told myself I wouldn't get close to anyone. Jade is an exception, I know not to take it too far. I'm scared if we become friends I will get screwed over just like all the other times, if we are caught together, then what? I don't open up to anyone, not anymore." Wow not that much was supposed to come out. 'Too late now.' I will kick your arse!

"I don't get close to anyone, I don't talk about my feelings to anyone either. You can't really talk to stuck up cheerleaders or a quarterback boyfriend who is already too busy looking at the girl across the hall. So maybe, just maybe, this could work. When we hang out I say you were helping with my homework. We can try and keep out friendship inside doors, no one has to know." I want to do this. 'Im not sure, why you? I mean us' hmm.

"Why me? Why out of me, Jade and Jesy do you choose the new girl?"

"Umm. I'm pretty sure that Perrie has a crush on Jade, there's no way she'd even let Jade do my homework and Jesy well, I don't know. When I saw you today, I knew things were going to get better and when you asked why I was crying twice, well I was certain." 'Her eyes though....' Yes she has cute pleading eyes, drop it. 'You said she was cute. Ahaha' you're impossible! 'Improbable, I exist.' Nope you're just inside my head. 'Wow that hurt.'

"Yeah, I saw it in they way they look at each other. Okay we can do this." 'She's hugging me!' Us.. 'Same thing'

"Thank you, what are you doing tomorrow?" Wow I didn't expect it to come that fast.

"Your homework?" 'Good one.' Thanks. Her laugh is musical... I think I'm gonna melt.

"Come to mine tomorrow? 4 O'clock?"

"Okay." I smiled at her and walked away.

You Changed Me (Ellie Goulding and Jerrie/little_mix fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now