Chapter 7

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It was 8:30am, Chaeyoung laid on her couch, scrolling mindlessly through her phone. It was Saturday and she had planned spending her entire weekend watching Netflix. Her parents were out hanging with their friends but here she was.

She was currently on her Instagram, looking through her feed, liking photos here and there. Her phone suddenly buzzed in her hand, and a message from "Lisa Oppa 💜" was displayed on her screen. She never bothered to change the name Lisa had entered into her phone 3 months ago when they first met.

Lisa Oppa 💜: Good Morning Chaeyoungie ❤ How are u today? Get ready, I'll be at ur house in 15 mins, we have plans today!!!!

Chaeyoung blushed furiously at the message. Since the day they exchanged numbers, chaeyoung receives good morning text from Lisa everyday. (What an oppa 😍) she quickly sent Lisa a message back and rushed to her room to get ready.

About 15 minutes later there is a knock at her door. Chaeyoung smiled happily knowing that Lisa was here to pick her up. She grabbed her purse and dashed towards the door. When she opened the door, she was greeted by a smiling Lisa with two Starbucks drinks in hand, dressed in black ripped jeans, and her signature leather jacket.

"Wow." Lisa gaped. Eyeing Chaeyoung up and down.

"What" Chaeyoung giggled her cheeks turning bright red. Getting shy at Lisa's reaction to her outfit.

Lisa smiled at Chaeyoung and happily handed her the Starbucks drink.

"Oh, you remembered my favorite" Chaeyoung said surprised at Lisa's good memory.

Lisa laughed, "how could I forget, that's all you ever drink."

They made their way down the porch, and into Lisa's white Range Rover, the red head opening the door for the brunette like usual. When Lisa started the car, fxxk it by BIGBANG started to play, and the two started rapping and singing to it. Enjoying themselves on the fine morning.

After a while drive Lisa pulled up in front of a big building. When Lisa turned off the engine, Chaeyoung realized she doesn't know where they are.

"Where are we Lisa?" Chaeyoung asked, opening the door and stepping out of the car. She observed the area, the big building had giant words that read 'GAME WORLD' (lol I just made that up)

"The arcade, let's go" Lisa said happily grabbing Chaeyoung's wrist, their skins touching sparked a feeling in their stomachs taking both of them by surprise.

When they entered through the giant sliding doors, they were greeted by a huge room filled with bright lights and what seemed like hundreds of arcade games and machines. Lisa's heart swelled when she watched Chaeyoung, the way her eyes sparkled and her lips smiling like a 6 year old.

"Wow Lisa! Thanks for taking me here, your the best!!" Chaeyoung said smiling so wide, clinging herself onto Lisa's arm and resting her head on the girl's broad shoulders, taking Lisa by surprise when her heart skipped a beat at the action.

When they had purchased the tokens, both girls were excited to begin. Something quickly caught Chaeyoung's eye. It was a giant pink teddy bear in a huge bright claw machine.

"LISAAAA!! look over there!!!" Chaeyoung screamed excitedly, pointing at the claw machine.

"Can you please win me it" Chaeyoung said, this time pouting like a little kid, and hugging Lisa's arm. Lisa smiled nervously.

"Im sorry Chaeyoung I suck at the claw machine, there's plenty of other things to do here." Lisa said to Chaeyoung apologetically.

But Chaeyoung wasn't one to give up that easily.

"Please oppa" Chaeyoung whispered into Lisa's ear. Sending chills down her spine, Lisa swore her heart stopped and her stomach was doing flips. Chaeyoung smirked, knowing exactly the effect that she had on the red head.

"I- uh I c-can try" The flustered Lisa said fumbling over her words, making Chaeyoung giggle.

They walked over to the claw machine with bright lights. How am I gonna do this Lisa thought observing the machine.

"I want this one" Chaeyoung said in her ageyo voice pointing at the giant pink bear.

"Your wish is my command princess" Lisa said, playfully bowing to Chaeyoung, taking her hand and brushing her lips over Chaeyoung's knuckles. The cute action made Chaeyoung blush madly, even strangers passing by smiled in awe.

"You guys are such a cute couple" One stranger complimented smiling brightly.

"Oh we're not-" Chaeyoung said but was cut off by Lisa.

"Oh thank you!" Lisa smiled happily at the stranger.

"My girlfriend is the cutest isn't she?" Lisa leaned over and pinched the blushing Chaeyoung's cheek. The stranger stared at them in awe and waved a quick goodbye.

when the stranger walked away, a pouting Chaeyoung turned to Lisa and asked "Hey why did you tell her that, we aren't a couple."

"But we could be, do you want to be?" Lisa said smirking causing Chaeyoung to blush and quickly closed her lips.

After many attempts at winning the claw machine, Lisa eventually did it. Losing 21 tokens but winning the heart of the happy Chaeyoung. They are now currently at the food section of the giant arcade building. Chaeyoung and Lisa sitting side by side on the table, the pink teddy bear sitting on its own chair across from them. Each one of their hands were intertwined, their free hand was used to hold the ice cream that Lisa had purchased for them. While eating their ice cream, Chaeyoung noticed a little vanilla ice cream smeared on the corner of Lisa's lips.

Chaeyoung giggled "Yah Lisa your such a messy eater, you have ice cream on the corner of your lip."

"What where?" Lisa said confused. Using her tongue to lick her lips in hopes of getting the ice cream off.

"Its still there, here let me help" Chaeyoung giggled again. But then she bravely leaned into Lisa's lips and licked the ice cream off. Both girls felt sparks in their stomachs when their lips had touched. When Chaeng pulled away, Lisa's mouth was wide open, her cheeks were burning red. Chaeyoung just kissed her. While she was being all flustered Chaeyoung just giggled.

"Lisa?" Suddenly a familiar feminine voice to Lisa interrupted their moment.

A/N oh shittt who could that be.......

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