Chapter 07

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   "You must feel much better without that bandage," said Murtagh, from his horse.

"I do," Lorena smiled, "but it does twinge on occasion."

   "You look much better." Lorena gazed up into his grey eyes before he quickly looked away.

   They rode throughout the day, unable to go faster than a walk due to Eragon's injuries. And they only covered short distances. When they came across a town where they were able to get supplies. Having nothing, Lorena wasn't sure what to do, but at camp she found coins next to her saddle. Both men swore it wasn't theirs, so she promised to repay the debt to them both. With the coins she was able to buy a simple dress to replace her slave clothes, and a short sword.

The days rolled by unnoticed as their small group travelled in isolation. The three found that they shared many of the same interests; they spent hours debating the finer points of archery and hunting. Though, Eragon often would spend time speaking silently with Saphira, leaving Lorena and Murtagh to talk alone. While she enjoyed talking as a group, she also appreciated her conversations with Murtagh. He always seemed to sit closer, and she started to feel a warmth in her chest when he looked at her.

There was one subject, however, they avoided discussing: their pasts. Lorena kept the details of her family and capture into slavery a secret. Eragon did not explain how he had found Saphira, met Brom, or where he came from. Murtagh was mute as to why the Empire was chasing him.

One afternoon Lorena was practising her sword play. The short sword was heavier than she was accustomed to, she didn't have a lot of strength but focused more on speed, and therefore preferred a finesse weapon. As she practised she noticed Murtagh watching her. She swung her sword light heartedly in a figure eight motion and stared down at Murtagh. "Would you like to spar?"

"With sharpened swords? I could kill you." Murtagh smirked at her.

"Here, give me your swords," said Eragon. Lorena handed over her sword, Murtagh a bit reluctant. Eragon blocked the edges with magic. They examined his handiwork. "I can undo that once you're finished."

Murtagh stood and checked the balance of his sword. Satisfied, he said, "It will do." Lorena backed away and prepared her stance. "I don't wish to hurt you little girl."

"I will admit that I'm not the best swordswoman, but I'm not bad neither." Lorena lunged forward and brought her sword in and angled down motion, aiming for the neck. Murtagh lifted his sword and easily blocked.

"Predictable." Murtagh retaliated with a slice to the waist, which Lorena blocked. She continued with her motion and pushed his sword over and around to his left side, where she flung her sword back toward him, aiming for the shoulder. Murtagh ducked and the sword went above him. "Interesting, but not very practical."

And so it began. Every day Murtagh and Lorena would practice their swordplay, Murtagh pointing out flaws and giving direction. Lorena was becoming a better swordswoman and learning how to swing a heavier sword than she was used to, though she knew that Murtagh wasn't fighting to the best of his ability.

Whenever the group passed a town or city Eragon would insist on entering, and searching the gaols. Claiming that he was looking for someone. On the notice boards they found pictures of Eragon offering a reward for his capture.

Finally came the day that Eragon had unwrapped his side for the last time. His ribs had healed completely, leaving him with only a small scar where the Ra'zac's boots had cut his side. They watched as Eragon stretched and noticed that he was no longer in pain.

Eragon returned to the camp fire and drew Zar'roc, looking down at Murtagh. "Now that I am strong enough, would you like to spar?"

The pair faced off, Eragon settled into a crouch then swung at Murtagh's shoulder. Their swords met in midair. Eragon disengaged with a flourish, thrust, and then riposted as Murtagh parried, dancing away.

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