Chapter 18

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   "This way," snapped the bald man. He stepped back, keeping the dagger pressed under Murtagh's chin, then wheeled to the right, disappearing through an arched doorway. The warrior holding Lorena followed close behind. They walked through the doorway, and down a narrow corridor. The corridor curved sharply to the left, then to the right. A door opened and they entered a bare room, so large that it could even house Saphira comfortably. It had white marble walls, floor and ceiling that reflected a ghost image of everyone.

The warrior holding her stopped next to the bald man, his dagger pressing harshly on her soft skin. Once Eragon and Saphira entered there was a hollow boom as the doors closed, followed by a loud scrape as a bolt was secured on the outside. "There's an injured—" Eragon began to speak, but a sharp gesture from the bald man cut him off.

"Do not speak! It must wait until you have been tested." He shoved Murtagh to warrior next to Lorena, who pressed a sword against his neck. The bald man clasped his hands together softly. "Remove your weapons and slide them to me." A dwarf unbuckled Murtagh's, and Lorena's swords and dropped them on the floor with a clank. Eragon placed Zar'roc and its sheath on the floor, as well as his bow and quiver, then pushed the pile toward the group of warriors. "Now step away from your dragon and slowly approach me," commanded the bald man.

Eragon moved forward, until they were a yard apart, then the man said, "Stop there! Now remove the defences from around your mind and prepare to let me inspect your thoughts and memories. If you try to hide anything from me, I will take what I want by force... which would drive you mad. If you don't submit, your companions will be killed."

"Why?" asked Eragon, aghast.

"To be sure you aren't in Galbatorix's service and to understand why hundreds of Urgals are banging on our front door," growled the bald man. His close-set eyes shifted from point to point with cunning speed. "No one may enter Farthen Dûr without being tested."

"There isn't time. We need a healer!" protested Eragon.

"Silence!" roared the man, pressing down his robe with thin fingers. "Until you are examined, your words are meaningless!"

"But she's dying!" retorted Eragon angrily, pointing at Arya.

"It will have to wait! No one will leave this room until we have discovered the truth of this matter. Unless you wish—"

The dwarf who had saved Eragon from the lake jumped forward. "Are you blind, Egraz Carn? Can't you see that's an elf on the dragon? We cannot keep her here if she's in danger. Ajihad and the king will have our heads if she's allowed to die!"

The man's eyes tightened with anger. After a moment he relaxed and said smoothly, "Of course, Orik, we wouldn't want that to happen." He snapped his fingers and pointed at Arya. "Remove her from the dragon." Two humans warriors sheathed their swords and hesitantly approached Saphira, who watched them steadily. "Quickly, quickly!"

The men unstrapped Arya from the saddle and lowered the elf to the floor. One of the men inspected her face, then said sharply, "It's the dragon-egg courier, Arya!"

"What?" exclaimed the bald man. The dwarf Orik's eyes widened with astonishment. The bald man fixed his steely gaze on Eragon and said flatly, "You have much explaining to do."

"She was poisoned with the Skilna Bragh while in prison. Only Túnivor's Nectar can save her now."

The bald man's face became inscrutable. He stood motionless, except for his lips, which twitched occasionally. "Very well. Take her to the healers, and tell them what she needs. Guard her until the ceremony is completed. I will have new orders for you by then." The warriors nodded curtly and carried Arya out of the room. "Enough of this, we have wasted too much time already. Prepare to be examined."

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