A Jiley story (the next step)

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Riley's POV
I'm running down my street with tears streaming down my face and rush into Em's arms as I rush into the house

"Whoa what's wrong!"
"J-James j-just broke up with me!" I cry to her.
"Oh riley" she says trying to comfort me.
"I just walk into studio a and he says oh Riley were through and he starts kissing Beth!"
"Riley calm down. Now you know I did warn you"
" I know but It was so random I did nothing!"
"Ok riley we have dance tomorrow I will talk to him you can stay home if you want to"
"Ok I think that would be best" I manage to squeeze out before bursting into tears again.
"Ok you go and lay down and I'll get u sone fro-yo"
"Thanks so much Em" I say hugging her and I head up stairs

-----the next day-----

Emily's Pov

" hey james what happened yesterday!" I yell at him and everyone starts to look at us.
"Uh what"
"Don't act all incident you broke up with my sister and then kissed Beth in front of her! She stayed home from dance today because of you and everyone knows how much she loves dance!"
"I uh may have uh did that but I did not kiss Beth she kissed me"
"Why did u break up!!!!!!"
"Whoa chill! I'll explain later"
"Ok wow! Um well I like Beth too and I thought it would be best to take Beth since you don't like me and all"
"So this is my fault" I say tears coming to my eyes. "I was the reason my sister is devastated"
"Well, you know I like riley too I just love Beth"
"I knew you were a player and you have no respect for other peoples feelings!!"
"Urgggg! I'm going home my sister needs me!" I yell storming out.

James Pov

"James!!! You of all people should know that riley is a really sensitive person, and what the heck Beth really you pick Beth!!!!" Michelle yells at me.
"You just don't understand I can't tell Emily or riley because Beth said she would KILL riley if I didn't break up with riley and kiss her! I still love riley but Beth is also making me act like I hate riley and her!" I say in one whole breath.
"James I will tell riley I'm her best friend and will all make sure she will be ok" Michelle said sympathetically.
"Ok thanks, I need to go home and rest this this is just too much"

----------Riley's Pov-----------

I'm lying down in bed with a hundred used Kleenex's around me when Emily walks in.
"So" I sniffle
" well this is what happen

"hey james what happened yesterday!" I yell at him and everyone starts to look at us.
"Uh what"
"Don't act all incident you broke up with my sister and then kissed Beth in front of her! She stayed home from dance today because of you and everyone knows how much she loves dance!"
"I uh may have uh did that but I did not kiss Beth she kissed me"
"Why did u break up!!!!!!"
"Whoa chill! I'll explain later"
"Ok wow! Um well I like Beth too and I thought it would be best to take Beth since you don't like me and all"
"So this is my fault" I say tears coming to my eyes. "I was the reason my sister is devastated"
"Well, you know I like riley too I just love Beth"
"I knew you were a player and you have no respect for other peoples feelings!!"
"Urgggg! I'm going home my sister needs me!" I yell storming out."
Emily looks down and sees me crying.
"Oh I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you"
"It's its ok I I just thought he loved me" I managed to squeeze out before berating into tears again.
"I am so sorry I didn't think it was because of me!"
"It's not cause of you he just needed an excuse I knew I should have never fallen for him!"
"No honey! It wasn't your fault ether he's a player that's what players do-" she is cut of by the someone knocking on the door.
" come in" I say wondering who it is. The door opens.
"Hey Ri it Michelle I need to talk to you both of you."

(A/N) hey, it's Sara first chapter in my first book I hope you liked it please comment a vote thank you.

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