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Riley's Pov

"Riley!" James yells chasing me into culture shop but I don't care. He grabs on my wrist and pulls me close. No matter how much I like or want it I push him away.
"Just leave me alone" I say softly close to tears.
"Riley just listen I'm sorry ok Beth kissed me!"
"But how many times do I have to tell you! You didn't pull away ether!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Then why didn't you pull away!
"Cause I'm a dude" he says.
"Ugggg! I can't believe!"
"Can't believe what"
"I mean I can't believe me! I can't believe I ever trusted you!"

James pov

"Save it" she says tears now in her eyes and runs off.

Emily's pov

Riley runs in in tears with a hurt look. She looks even more hurt and runs out.
"Riley!" I yell chasing her.

Michelle's Pov.

Riley just ran in and out in tears and Emily ran after her. James then walks in slowly.

"Ok dancers from the top!" Michelle yells and we all line up. We had to adjust our dancing since we were missing two dancers.

Emily's Pov

When dance was over and everybody left I had to go back because I forgot my dance bag. When I walk into studio A I see riley dancing. I decide to just sit back and watch. She did a jeté then spun and dropped into the splits. She looked like she was pouring every drop of energy in her body into the dance. When she finished she was crying. I ran over and hugged her.
"I'm ok"
"Shhhh" I coed. "What's wrong"
"It's nothing" she sniffed.
"It doesn't look like nothing"
"It's James" she said then ran out.

Then next day at dance riley wasn't there. I think we need to get riley and James back into jiley. No matter how much I dislike him.

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