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Ok I'll continue the story but I still think I need more readers I only got like 5.

Ok to the story

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 great job guys lets take 5" Michelle said as we dance. I walked over to my phone and sat down on the bench.

"Hey riley" James said sitting beside me


"I have something to tell you"


"Well me and Beth have this duet"

"Ok.... Um do you need to practice"

"Yeah I need to now"

"Oh ok well I'll see ya later"


Okay I'm really confused. Why would he have a duet with Beth.

Just why.


"Riley are you ok you look kinda out of it" Michele asked

"What, huh"

"You sound and look out of it" she said

"Yeah I'm just thinking"

"About what"

"James and Beth's duet"

"Why" she asked getting snoopy.

"No reason"

"You like him!"

"No! Keep it down would ya"

"If you didn't like him you would want me to be quiet"

"Who does riley like" Chloe asks walking up to us.

"James" Michelle answers. I groan throwing my hands up in frustration and walk away.

They'll never be quiet will they.


I don't want anyone to know I like him.

All the E-girls think I'm dating him to distract him.

Wait what am I saying I don't like.

I shouldn't like him.

I can't like him.

-----the next day-----

I sit down on the bench at dance and look at my phone. I got a text from James.

Hey I have to do some stuff with my mom so can you come over after dance to teach me what I miss, James.

Kk, see ya after dance. Riley.

"Ok everyone time to start dance" Kate said starting up the music and we got in our line placements.

A/N the next chapter riley will be at james' house but someone will be there too. We'll talk to you later, Sara

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