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A/N I'm changing the title to chapters so don't get confused when you see just numbers.

Riley's pov

I wake up in the middle of the street. My head really hurts. I just been hit hard on my head by Beth. I sit up. I see Beth walking up to me.

"How was your nap" Beth asked in a evil tone.

"What do you want!" I yell back at her.

"I wanted james!"

"Well you can't have him!"

"Keyword wanted. I already have him"


"Sorry riley but it's true" James said. I spin around and see him.

"HOW COULD YOU!" I yell at him and I run to my house into the basement and curl up into a ball and cry.

"Oh honey what's wrong" mom asked sweetly.

"Beth g-got james t-to be w-with her!" I cry.

"What!" I realize that Emily was now awake. "Oh I need to talk to him!"

"No!" I yell even though I don't know why.

"Riley's right. I need to talk to him" dad said and he walks outside with us right behind him. As dad is in front of us I'm in the middle of Emily and mom.

"James what is wrong with you!" Dad yelled and I could tell he was mad.

"What do you mean what's wrong with me you should be asking what's wrong with the weirdo Beth." James said.

"Really! Why would you hurt Riley's feelings like that your such a jerk!!!" My dad was yelling really loud now. "What do you mean what's wrong with Beth."

"She is bribing me to go out with her"

"What!" I yell walking up to him. "Bribing you with what!"

"Uh you" he mumbled.

"What do you mean" I ask.

"She would hurt you" he said looking down. I gave him a hug.

"She could never hurt me as long as I'm around you and my friends."

"Awww" I hear my mom in the back round.

"Mom!" I whisper yell. James laughs.

"Hello! I'm still here" Beth yelled.

"Go!" Everyone yelled. We all walked back into my house.

"I hope I can trust you" I say to james as I close the door behind me.

I really do.

A/N I'm so sorry it's short I had a long day and I needed to post something. I running out on ideas please help.

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