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James Pov

I can't look at riley without missing her and that's why I'm ignoring her.i get a text from Beth.

-so Jamie do u want to go out sometime??? :)

-no! Why can't you get the hint I DON'T LIKE YOU

-you will pay!

-try me


The park is where you'll start

Find the biggest tree

Look for the heart

And that's where Riley will be

-wait what!

-that's right I'm taking riley just like I took you


-because she's in my way.

I didn't want to read more so I shut my phone off

$$$$$$at dance the next day$$$$$$

I'm the last one to come to dance so we got started right away. As we took 10 riley went to the bathroom. 15 minutes later she still wasn't back. When it got to 20 we sent Michelle and Emily to go check on her. They came back without her.

"What could of happened" Chloe wonders.

"Beth!" I say.

"What" Emily asks.

"Well she was texting me last night and said she was going to take her. She gave me a riddle it was 'the part is where you'll start, find the biggest tree, look for the heart, and that's where riley will be'"

"Ok that's great legs go" Gisselle said then we all start to run. When we get to the park we start to look for the biggest tree.

"What's the heart" Emily asks.

"The middle of the tree" Michelle's answers.

"Wait! There's a heart right here" Stephanie says pointing to a heart carved into the tree. She leans in.

"It says music room"

"That must be where riley is" I say and we run back to the studio. When we get to the music room we see riley tied up and Beth standing beside her. I run over to riley and untie her.

"James!" She says jumping into my arms. I hug her back.

"Beth what do you have to say about yourself" Michelle's says.

"Riley your going to get it wether you like it or not!" She yells and runs out. She looks at me with a scared look.

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