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Emily's Pov

Today riley is coming back to the next step. It was so different without her. She's the serious person who keeps us tied together. I think as she walks into the studio.

"Riley!" We all yell and run up and hug her. I notice that James was the first one to give her a hug and the last to let go.

"We missed you so much" Michelle said

"Totally!" Chloe agreed.

"We thought you'd never come back" Stephanie said which was strange steph doesn't say stuff like that.

Riley's Pov

I'm so glad to be back. I get to see everyone again including James. But we broke up.

"I'm so happy" I say.

"Ya but if you want you can take it easy" Michelle says nicely.


"No problem ok guys let's start rehearsing" Michelle says clapping her hands together and everyone goes to their placements.

¥¥¥¥¥¥¥after dance¥¥¥¥¥¥¥

James' Pov

I'm sitting in studio b because I told riley to meet me here. I want to talk to her about getting back together.

"Hey" she says walking in.


"What do you want to talk about"

"Um I wanted to ask if you wanted to get back together"

"James of course I want to but I just can't trust you right now" she says and then walks out. I'm disappointed.

Riley's Pov

James just asked if I wanted to get back together. I really want to but I just can't trust him. He kissed Beth. Twice. I hope i can one day trust him again.

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