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Emily's Pov

"Ok everyone gather round" as A troupe does their homework. And they get in front of me. "Riley has been very upset about the whole James thing and I think we need to help them get back together" as I say that James cringes. As everyone agrees he just nods.
"Ok James your going to have a big park in this" Michelle says.
"How about we lock them in the same room together" Chloe suggests. Everyone agrees and we get to work. I make a list.
-Find a room~check
-get James in it~check
-get riley~check
-lock her in there~check
-now wait~check
When we checking off everything were now sitting out side the music room where there being held. I see James walk up to riley. None can here what their saying which I think is best. Then Riley breaks down crying. James pulls her into a big hug and he softly kisses her on the forehead.

Riley's Pov

Emily just pushed me into a room and locked it. I turn around and see James. Oh no.
"What do you want!"
"You riles I want you"
I look down "but you went on a date with Beth!" I'm close to tears.
"And a regret it!" He pulls me into a hug. "I did not mean to hurt you"
I snuggle up against his chest. We let go and he grabs my hand. We head out to see everyone whispering. I glare at then the pull James back to studio A.

(A/N) I'm sorry I haven't been updating I've been busy with school and my other book. I know this is short and I'll update soon.

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