Chapter 2

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I Finally Got to my Friend Bella's house. I walked up to  the front door and knocked on the door. She answered the door.

"Oh my god Nikki where were you" she says freaking out as soon as she sees me.

" I was at school.." I start to say.

"No Cuz I know we were supposed to have like 2 classes together and I didnt see you all day" She says as we walk into the house.

"Ok so a lot happened and I Kinda became friends with Billie Mike and Tre." I say quickly

"WHAT" She yelled

"basically i skipped school with Green Day, and we smoked Joints" I informed her.

"Are you messing with me? She asked smiling.
"No i swear i'm not, you can meet them tomorrow if you want." I said returning the smile.
"Dude that'd be awesome" she said excitedly. And with that we went up to her room and messed around a little bit before i had to go home.
"Ight, Bella I got to go" I said standing up and Grabbing my school bag.
"Ok see you at school tomorrow" she said as i left the house. I begun walking down the road but before long i felt like i was being followed so i kept looking back. All the sudden someone grabbed me from behind and covered my mouth i tried to fight against the arms that had a tight grip around me but they were to strong. Then i realized they had brought me to a dark alley. They set me down and i leaned on the wall.
"Who the fuck are you " i half  yelled.
"Awe Baby don't tell me you forgot about me" the man said.. and i realized this wasnt just any man this was my Ex Boyfriend, but how does he know i moved to Rodeo.
"C Cameron... why are you here LEAVE ME ALONE" I screamed.
"Baby shhh its ok" He said coming closer to me
"NO DON'T CALL ME THAT.. AND BACK UP" I yelled trying to hide my fear, im terrified of this guy.
"Shut up before i hit you" he said calmly. Then he reached his hand out and started touching my hair.
"Stop, Now" I said beginning to get more scared.
"Or what? Huh whatcha gonna do about it?" He said smirking and putting his hand on my cheek. I flinched away from his hand.
"I.. I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME" I Screamed attempting to run but he tripped me and i fell to the ground hard.
"Now I told you to shut up". He said kicking me in the side.
"HELP SOMEONE HELP THIS GUY IS CRAZ-" I was cut off by him kicking me again.
"How many times do I have to tell you to shut up" He said kicking me two more times. I was losing hope.. I'm Screwed.
~~~Billie's Pov~~~
How much further is it to the damn store. I feel like I've been walking for hours. Then i hear screaming coming from an ally way? That can only mean 2  things: 1: someones Getting murdered or 2: Someones getting Raped.
"HELP SOMEONE HELP THIS GUY IS CRAZ-" i heard someone yell.. wait that sounded kinda like.
"NIKKI" I screamed running towards the ally way.
"BILLIE? HEL-" I heard her try to scream before yelling out in pain.  I started running faster before i knew it i was in the ally way and i saw a man standing there and Nikki was on the ground. The man kicked her and she winced in pain.
"STOP, DON'T TOUCH HER" I screamed
"B.. Billie?" She stuttered looking over at me
"Who's this, your little boy toy?" The man laughed
"No.. hes just my friend" She said while sitting up.
"I should of known, no one would want you anyway your just a slut." The man scoffed while Kicking her once more, she fell against the wall.
"Stop kicking her you bastard." I said firmly.
"Or what" he asked smirking
"Ill beat your ass that's what" i told him getting angrier by the second.
"Oh yeah well come at me" the man said continuing to piss me off.
"Nikki, are you okay" i asked looking over at her
"Yeah i guess" she said leaning against the wall again. Although i knew she wasn't ok.
"So you gonna fight me or what kid" The man said
"First of all were like the same age so don't call me kid and 2nd of all if you just leave her alone i wont have to fight you... dumb ass." I explained to him and as he was analyzing what i had said Nikki Jumped up and ran toward me grabbing my hand.
"C'MON RUN" She yelled running with my hand in hers so i had no choice but to run also. We kept running till we were 7 or 8 blocks away and we stopped behind some abandoned building.
"Who was that guy" i asked trying to catch my breath.
"My Ex... i don't know how he knew that i moved here." she said Leaning against the building.

"Oh... well did he always hit you like that?" I asked looking at the bruise forming on her arm.

"well Not at first but,yeah i guess he would slap me a lot ." She said looking down

"Hey as Long as your with me that guy wont be able to lay a finger on you." I say smiling at her She looked up at me and i noticed a tear roll down her face.

"W-whats wrong did I say something wrong?, Oh god please don't cry" I said wiping away her tears.

"I-its n-not you Its just that.. back then I was s-so in love with him and then he started abusing me and that's kinda w-why we moved here a-and the memories are just coming back a-and I-I'm Afraid of h-him" She Cried

"Don't be afraid I'll protect you" I said while pulling her in for a hug. She wrapped her arms around me and cried into my chest for a while. we stayed there behind that building for what felt like ages but it was okay because I knew every second I was with her she was safe. It was now dark out.

" I need to go home" She said pulling away from me

"I'll walk you I don't want you going Alone" I say.

"okay I didn't really wanna walk alone anyway" she said slightly smiling. we began walking i let her lead since I didn't know where she lived. It was getting darker by the second and I think she was getting scared. I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers and we walked like that all the way back to her house.

"well This is it,thanks for walking with me Bj" She said smiling at me

"no problem,"I say returning the smile

"Hey, here's my number, uhh text me sometime" i say handing her a piece of paper.

"Ok I will, Thanks again Bj" she said before walking up to her house and going inside. Then I left and went home.

"Billie Joe! where have you been" My mom yells at me as soon as I walk in

"Shit, sorry Mom, This girl was getting beat up and I got side tracked helping her and forgot to go to the store." I say apologizing

"watch your language and its okay just go to bed" she says walking out of the room. I head upstairs to my room stripping off my shirt on the way and throwing it on my bed once i got into my room. Then I feel my phone Vibrated I looked at it and It was a text from an unknown number.

Unknown : Hey Bj Its Nikki

Billie: Hey Nikki whats up

Nikki: Nothin much I'm just bored and my parents are arguing again

Billie: Your parents argue anlot?

Nikki: Almost every night..

Billie: Awe, man I'm sorry that must suck'

Nikki: Do your parents ever argue?

Billie: well its just my mom..

Nikki: If you don't mind me asking.. what about your dad?

Billie: He died when I was 10

Nikki: Oh shit I'm sorry 

Billie: its Ok

Nikki: I'm tired

Billie: Then.. sleep?

Nikki: But.... I dont wannaaaaaaa

Billie: why not

Nikki: I dunno

Billie: well we have school tomorrow and its 11:57 P.M so you should Probably get some sleep

Nikki: What about you?

Billie: Ima sleep too

Nikki: Ok well I will sleep if you will

Billie: Okay good night Nikki :)

Nikki: Good Night Bj :)

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