Chapter 25

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~Mikes Pov~

I fell to my knees, how could she not be doing well.. I need her

"God damn it why" I said between sobs, I don't think I've ever cried like this.

"Man, she has to make it.. Its Bella for fucks sake" Billie said kneeling down beside me and putting an arm around me.

"How bad.. is it doc" Tre asked hesitantly.

"Well.. Shes lost a lot of blood and she will definitely be in a coma, and threes no telling when or if she will wake up" The nurse explained, which only made me cry harder. Billie wrapped his other arm around me and pulled me into his chest, I stayed like that the whole ride until we got to the hospital and Bella and Nikki where rushed inside.

"C'mon well go see them as soon as theyre both in stable conditions" Tre said as we walked into the hospital. I was a wreck, my hair was all stuck to my face from sweat and tears and I had no shirt on and my hands were still blood stained from trying to stop the bleeding on Bella.

"Its gonna be okay buddy," Billie said putting his arm around me in attempt to comfort me, but I could see the uncertainty and pain in his deep green eyes.

We sat in the waiting room for what seemed like forever before a man came out and motioned for us to follow.

"Miss Brookes is in a very stable condition and is recovering fast at this point we're just waiting for her to wake up " The doctor said which made Billie smile a small smile of relief but that quickly washed away,

"What about Bella?" He asked frantically. I closed my eyes afraid of the answer,

"Shes.. In critical condition, we dont know  If she will  make it, she needs a blood doner, are any of you the same blood type as her?" The doctor asked

"I dunno.." I trailed off

"Im not sure"  Billie said

"I dont even know my blood type so.." Tre said quietly.

"Follow me." The man said and we walked into a room in the back.

"Bella is type AB, we just need to test all of you and hopefully one of you will match." He said then quickly took blood samples from all of us and ran out of the room with it.

"God I hope one of us.. can help" Billie said, his eyes glistening with tears.

"Yeah.. me to"  agreed.

"Shes strong, she can do this.. have faith" Tre added

Then the doctor ran in

"WE HAVE A MATCH" He yelled with a half smile.

"Who!!" We all said in unison.

"Mr. Dirnt Im going to need you to follow me, shes fading fast and we're running out of time." He spoke and I jumped up and followed him over to a machine where he took a lot more of my blood and he ran out with it as another doctor came in  with cookies and juice.

"Drink and eat this, you need it." He spoke and I nodded.

"Oh and you can see miss Brookes whenever you'd like, shes still unconscious, but she should wake up any time now, room 182" he said as he left. after I ate and drank I decided we should go see Nikki.

"Lets go see Nikki" I spoke softly.

"you sure?" Billie asked.

"of course, after all she is one of my best friends" I said as I stood up, I was still a little dizzy from the loss of blood, but if it saves Bella, its all worth it. I ended up on Billies back because I couldnt walk straight. We finally made it to room 182, Billie opened the door, Nikki was lying there, her eyes were open.

"Beej!" she exclaimed as he ran over to her and hugged her.

"Im glad your ok" He said before kissing her.

"Yeah, hows Bella" she quickly asked, the room fell silent and her eyes filled with tears.

"Is she.. o-ok?" She asked slowly.

"Not exactly" Tre said sitting on the end of the bed.

"Shes.. lost a lot of blood, and.. shes in critical care, Mike donated blood since they are the same blood type, but they aren't sure.. if she'll make it" Billie explained.

"No.. no she has to be ok!" she said holding back a sob.

"Ive known her since we were like 10 Beej! I cant lose her.. shes my best friend" She cried buring her head in Billies shoulder.

"I know.." He trailed off.. his voice sounding broken.

"She can do this, like Tre said we just have to have faith, shes strong" I said 

"Oh your awake" The nurse spoke as she walked in.

"Yep" Nikki said looking down.

"And I bring good news" She said with a bright smile.

"what might that be?" Tre asked.

"Well your friend, Bella I think, Is now stable and her heart rate is about normal and we're just waiting for her to wake up." The woman spoke, and I felt everyone relax a little, knowing it was going to be ok.

"But I also bring bad news.." She said her smile fadding

"What" Billie asked

"The man.. that did this, is also being held here, recovering, he claims it was self defense and I don't think hes going to jail" She spoke.

"Wait they're gonna let Cameron off!" Nikki yelled.

"Yeah.. I think" The woman said

"But he was already an escaped prisoner." I said quickly.

"I hear some one paid his jail bonds at the last minute, and hes free, if there is no charge on this incident." She explained. I saw Billie beginning to fidget, which ment he was either about to have  a panic attack, or he was about to fucking kill someone, or worse.. both.

"Uhh ma'me can you leave us for a minute?" Tre asked noticing Billies state.

"Yes of course" She smiled while walking out

"God.. fucking Damn It.. Ill Ill kill him I swear." Billie said through clenched teeth, then he sat down on the floor and pulled his knees to his chest and  put his head on his knees, His breathing began to pick up and he was taking short sharp breaths and I noticed him shaking, yup defiantly a panic attack.

"Billie, I'm going to need you to breath, I know its hard, I know you hate being told to breath but just do it" I spoke slowly and softly.

"Beej, Please, listen to him for me" Nikki said in a worried voice. Billie began to take slow breaths but his shaking didn't stop. I took his hand in mine and rubbed circles on it with my thumb, he relaxed a little and layed his head on my shoulder, and before any of you homo phobics come after me, I'm not gay, I'm Bi, and this is just me comforting my best friend,because I love him, so fuck off.





Im Thinking about writing another fan fiction too, I kinda want to make a ToMark fanfic, with Tom Delonge and Mark Hoppus from Blink 182 (Dont come after me I'm not a fake fan I know Tom Is no longer in the band but I still love him)




As Always, I'll see you Little Idiots Next chapter


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