Chapter 18

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~Billies Pov~
"I-uh love you" Bella slurred making me shoot straight up.
"N..  no you don't go back to bed your d-drunk" i stuttered.
"Billie....." she said putting her face in her hands. I carefully got up making sure not to wake up Nikki.
"Follow me" i whispered walking towards the front door. I carefully unlocked it and walked outside, Bella followed closely.
"B-billie I-im serious" she stuttered while staring at the ground
"Bella" I sighed leaning against the wall, she did the same.
"I-I just I-I don't know" she whispered
"Since when?" I asked looking at her but her eyes stayed focused on the ground.
"Uhh like.... since the Cameron thing" she said without looking up.
"W-why didn't you t-tell me before" I said shocked.
"Because... I couldn't hurt Nikki like that" she said quietly.
"What do you mean" I asked
"I know how much she loves you, and how much you love her and shes loved you since before she met you and she loves you even more now and I couldn't be the one to interfer and i just I love you so fucking much it hurts and Im so sorry I know you love het and she loves you so Ill shut up now and again im so sor-" I cut her off by grabbing the side of her face and kissing her, she kissed back but then pulled away.
"B-billie I just told you, I cant hurt her" she said staring at me
"I-im sorry i-i" I froze i couldn't think of an explanation as to why I just kissed my girl friends best friend.
"Its okay billie don't apologise" She smiled half heartedly
"This is a weird question but" I stopped to think about how to phrase it
"Continue" she laughed
"Can we kiss... one more time to see if t-there's a-a s-spark?" I stuttered
"But... you have a girl friend" she trailed off
"I know, but she doesn't have to know" I said sliding my arm around her waist.
"O-ok b-but no matter what happens don't hurt Nikki ok" she said cautiously
"Ok" I smiled
~~Nikkis Pov~~
I woke up to realize Billie wasn't beside me. I heard faint whispering coming from outside. He probably went out to smoke with someone. I got up and headed to the door and just before i opened it i heard Billies voice, so I stopped and listened,
"I know but she doesn't have to know" he said, wait who is he talking about.
"O-ok b-but whatever happens d-don't hurt Nikki ok?" Bella said cautiously. Wait how would he hurt me, he wouldn't right? Im just over thinking this, Im gonna go out there. So I opened the door and looked to the left to see Billie standing with his arm around Bella's waist and he leaned in and so did she and when they're lips touched I felt a sharp pain in my chest, like someone stabbed me right in the heart, at that moment Billies eyes met mine and he pulled away from Bella with a look of guilt and sorrow on his face.
"N-nikki I-I c-can explain " he stuttered. Which caused Bella to turn around and look at me in shock
"No... need Billie... i get it you, you love Bella not me, of course that's what always happens, they always leave me for her" I mumbled
"Nikki its not like that I swear" He pleaded.
"Billie... do you even love me because you keep kissing other people" I said with tears threatening to spill
"Of course I love you, I love you so much" He said staring deeply into my eyes. I broke the eye contact.
"Then, why are you kissing my best friend" I asked as calmly as possible.
"I-uh its just that uh-I I- uh I don't know it just happened Y'know" He said looking at the ground
"I did it, I kissed him it was all my idea Nikki Im so sorry" Bella said, but i can tell shes lying by the tone of her voice
"Then why did Billie say that 'she doesn't t have to know'" I said mocking the way Billie had said it.
"Uhh..well Y'know uh" she wasn't able to come up with an excuse
"Nikki Im so sorry" Billie said coming up to me
"That's what you said last time" I said thinking back to the night when I caught Billie and Tré kissing. Billies eyes shifted from sorrow to anger, which terrified me.
"Don't bring that up" he said through clenched teeth.
"What... the thing with you and Tr-" I started but he cut me off
"I SAID NOT TO BRING THAT UP" He yelled, and I lost it, the tears fell rapidly
"First you cheat on me with Bella then.... you yell at me? What the actual fuck Billie?!"  I said getting louder at the end.
"Well if your dumb ass didn't get up and come ruin my moment with Bella then bring up part of my past that im OBVIOUSLY trying to forget, then I wouldn't be so mad" He spat at me, and every word dug a dagger deeper into my heart
"I-im so sorry t-that I-i woke up worried because the guy I love more than anything else was gone, and Im sorry that I came yo look for you and r-ruined your moment with my b-best friend, and Im sorry that i thought you loved me as much as I love you!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face. With that i ran inside leaving Billie alone with Bella I got inside and ran into someones chest, as soon as I realized it was Mike I fell apart.
"I-i thought he loved me M-mike" I cried with my arms wrapped tightly around him
"Billie does love you" He said hugging me back.
"N-no he k-kissed Bella and y-yelled at me" I choked out
"He.... what!?" Mike said clearly pissed
"Hey, you stay in here im gonna go talk to that mother fucker" Mike said letting go of me and heading towards the door.
"Mike wait" I yelled
"What Nikki" He turned around
"Just... don't hurt him... I love him Y'know" I begged
"Ill try not too" he said as he walked out the door.
~~Mike's Pov~~
I cant believe Billie would kiss her when he knows I love her! And I cant believe hed hurt Nikki like that, how could he yell at her he knows she hates that.
"What the fuck Billie!" I yelled as I got outside.
"Mike... I- Im s-" he started but i quickly cut him off
"NO SAVE IT DO YOU REALIZE HOW MUCH YOU HURT NIK-" i stopped yelling when I realized Billie had been crying
"I don't know what c-came over me, I hate myself so fucking much I'm so stupid" He cried Bella was standing next to him, looking terrified
"I fucked up, so bad Mike I love her so much, I love her so fucking much why am I so stupid" He cried. Billie almost never cries. He must really be upset
"I know you do Beej, and yeah you fucked up bad, but you can fix this" I said hugging him
"But... how" he mumbled into my shoulder.
"That's up to you" I said rubbing his back.
"I need her Mike" he mumbled
"And she needs you" Bella said walking up to us
"I im gonna fix this" He said pulling away from me
"Thanks buddy" He said wiping his eyes.
"No problem Beej" I smiled at him.
~~Billies pov~~
I don't know what the hell came over me. I shouldn't have yelled at her like that. I thank Mike for knocking some sense into me then I run inside the warehouse and call out Nikkis name. No answer. I start running around the place looking for her and I run into Tré
"Woahh there Bj slow down" He laughed after I ran into him.
"Sorry I-Im l-looking f-for N-nikki" I pant as I try to catch my breath
"Wait is she missing" Tré asked worriedly.
"Kinda, I really upset her man" I say looking down.
"Oh..." He said looking towards the door.
"I got this go outside with Bella and Mike and Ill figure this out." I say and Tré nods and leaves.
"Nikki" I call out. I hear some movement but I cant tell where its coming from.
"Nikki Please just hear me out" I yell.
"Look, I fucked up, i fucked up real bad, Im so fucking sorry Y'know I hate myself for it. And and I love you, more than anything Kiki, I-i understand if you n-never wanna see me again and if.... you d-dont love me anymore. And I-I understand i-if y-you hate me now b-but i-" I was rambling till I got cut off.
"Billie you know I could never hate you, because I love you so fucking much, but that doesn't change the fact that you cheated, then screamed at me like it was my fault" Nikki said Jumping down from somewhere.
"I-i know.... and i-im so sorry" I say looking into her eyes
"i know you are.. but" she says looking away.
"But.. what?" I ask terrified.
"But.. I-I think.. I need some space..." she trailed off while keeping her gaze fixed on the ground.
"What... do you mean..." I ask while holding back tears.
"I- I mean I-uh Y'know I cant do this" She said motining her hand between me and her, I felt the tears run down my face as I stared into her deep brown eyes, witch were filled with hurt and sorrow, and tears were rapidly running down her face.
"Wait... your y-your b-breaking up w-with m-me?" I Stutter.
"y-yeah" she says quietly while looking at the ground
"I-i gotta go" I say running put the door and Mike Tré and Bella gave me weird looks as I ran past them and straight to my truck. I got in and drove and drove with the tears running down my face
"Fucking idiot.. I RUINED IT I RUINED EVERYTHING GOD DAMN IT" I yelled while punching the dash board. I didn't know where the hell I was going but I knew I  had to go...
A/n HEY IM BACK Im so so so sorry ive been dead for so long but I got caught up in school and a lot of shii was going on but i swear im back and Ill be updating regularly again. THIS CHAPTER WAS SO HARD TO WRITE cuz it felt tooooo real ALSO I went to a Green Day concert on September 5th and It was the best night of my entire life. They were so AMAZING I LOVED IT SO FUCKING MUCH Y'KNOW!!!!
As Always,
Ill see you little idiots next chapter

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