Chapter 9

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~~Bella's Pov~~~

I hear sirens faintly getting closer to us and I begin to get excited, that is until I feel someone punch me in the side off the face.

"What the hell?" I say turning around too see a bloody, angry Cameron.  I jump back in fear and seconds later I see Mike attack him and knock him to the ground.

"Bella you okay?" He asks me while pinning down Cameron

"Yeah I'm fine I reply backing up next to Billie, I felt safer around him for some reason. Cameron took the chance to punch Mike while he was looking at me then he jumped up and ran full force at Billie knocking him down. and he began to punch him repeadidly in the face like Billie had done to him earlier.

"CAMERON STOP" Nikki yelled kicking him attempting to knock him off of Billie but failing.

"No Way" Is all he said as he kept hitting him. Then Nikki Pulled the gun out of her back pocket and hit Cameron In the back of the head with it which knocked him off Billie. Then she dropped the gun and rushed to Billie's side.

"Oh My god, Are you ok?" She asked.. no response

"Billie, Please talk to me" She begged, no response me Mike and Tre started to get worried

"BILLIE" She yelled shaking him.. No response 

"Billie, you can't  die.." She began to cry Tre rushed over to Billies other side.

"Billo?" He asked worriedly.

"Billie come on" She said wiping the blood off of his face with the sleeve of her shirt.

"Stay with us Buddy, helps on the way" Tre said rather calmly. I started to freak out and turned to Mike.

"Calm down It's gonna be okay, it has to be I mean it's Billie he wouldn't go out like that theres no way in hell" Mike reassured me. Then he wrapped him arms around me and I hugged him and we just stayed like that for a while.

"Billie, theres so much I need to tell you. You have to live Damn it" She cried. I hear the sirens get louder and louder. Till they were there.. There was an ambulance and 5 cops. I watched as the paramedics quickly put Billie onto a stretcher, at that point Nikki had completely lost it.
"Billie, no you.. you cant d-die!" She screamed while crying
"I-i haven't even got the chance to tell you, how much I-i love you" she cried falling to her knees as they put Billie into the ambulance.
"Damn" Mike whispered.
"What?" I asked looking to him, he looked well heart broken to say the least, his usual electric Blue eyes were drained and looked dull and broken.
"Its just.. she really loves him, doesn't she?" He said as more of a question.
"Yeah, but she wont admit it. Shes kind of afraid to love since.. well Cameron." I tell him
"And Billie hasn't lived since Adrienne" Mike said looking at the ground.
"Adrienne?" I asked.
"Yeah, they dated for 3 years, then she died in a car accident. And to this day he hasn't gotten 100% over her." He explained.
"Oh my god" i said mind blown.
"Yeah, but I've never seen him so happy with anyone since Adrienne accept for Nikki" He smiled.
"I know he loves her, but he's afraid.. Y'know?"  He said. And at that point Nikki rushed over crying uncontrollably.
"Whats wrong Nikki?" I ask begining to panic.
"I i talked to the paramedics and.. they said that B-billie, probably w-wont make it!" She cried.
"And if-if he does he had severe head trauma and will most l-likely have amnesia and not remember any of us.." she managed to choke out before continuing to cry.
"Hey, gurll it'll be ok there's no way Billo would let himself die at the hands of that scum bag." Tre said putting an arm around her.
"I FUCKING HATE HIM.. I HATE HIM..." she screamed. We all stayed silent.
"God damn you Cameron.. I i hate you.." she mumbled
"Hey excuse me but we need to go now and get Mr. Armstrong to urgent care as soon as possible feel free to come to the hospital and we will let you know whats going on." One of the perimedics spoke before speeding off on the ambulance with Billie, and then the cops left with Cameron.
"Damn why.. couldn't that have been me" she whispered to herself
"Hey listen, Billie has to be ok he wouldn't just fie on us like that," Mike said trying to convince her.
"Can we just go to the hospital now?" Nikki asks and we all agree, with that we head off to the hospital.
~~Nikkis pov~~

I cant believe this. Just how how could he be half dead... because of my ex.. damn it I love Billie.. but I i haven't even got to tell him that.
"Nikki, were here" Tre says snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Oh ok" i say getting out of the car and walking towards the hospital. Wr get inside and the woman tells us hes in room 108, so I practically run to him. I open the door, and there he lays.. unconcious and has machines hooked up to him. The heart rate seems to be normal but im not sure, Im not a doctor. Just then the others come in. I rush to Billies side,
"I, im so sorry Billie" i say
"This is all my fault.. im so fucking sorry" i continue
"I just wish you could hear me... so i could tell you how much i fucking love you." I whispered the last part.. then his heart rate began to speed up and the machine was going crazy and we called for a doctor.. and the doctor ran in just as it flat lined..
Hey guys sorry i haven't updated. I just started school and its chaotic but i will be updating regularly again. Thanks so much for reading and yes ANOTHER G'DAMN CLIFF HANGER I KNOW IM SO EVIL. But next chapters gonna be great and it will be up tonight
As always I'll see you next chapter my Little Idiots

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