Chapter 16

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~nikki pov~
I woke up with Billie's arms wrapped protectively around me, I moved my hand up to his hair and played with it. Soon his eyes fluttered open and he smiled at me.
"Good morning beautiful" he mumbled in a deep sexy voice.
"Morning" I smile and kiss him on the lips.
"Lets meet up with Bella and the guys?" I suggest
"Sure" he said before getting up to take a shower, I just laid on his bed and waited for him.
~~Mike's P.o.v~~
My phone started ringing so I franticly looked around for it and finally found it under my bed, I have no idea how it got there
"Hello" I say into the phone
"Hey" I familiar voice says
"What's Up nikki?" I smile
"Nothing much, but do you wanna hang out with me, Billie, Tré, and Bella today?" She asks hopefully.
"Yeah where are we meeting up?" I ask smiling at the thought of being around Bella.
"Christy Road" she says almost immediately
"You really like that place, huh?" I ask laughing a little
"Yeah... that's where it all began... Y'know?" She said and I could tell she was smiling
"Yeah" I said thinking back to the day I met her and we ditched school for Christy road.
"Listen, I gotta go but I'll be at the tracks in 10 minutes" I say
"Ight" she replies
"Bye" I smile
"Bye" she says before hanging up.  Then I ran around my apartment getting ready. Once I was finally dressed i set off to Christy road. Of course I was the last one there.
"Hey mike what took ya so long?" Bella asks
"I-uh lost my-uh phone" i stutter
"True" Bella and Nikki say at the same time.
"Hey Bella" Billie says shyly
"Hey Bj" Bella says smiling
"Wait.. your not still mad at me?" Billie asked confused and happy.
"No how could I stay mad at someone I lo- I mean someone who is one of my best friends," she says nervously scratching the back of her neck and Nikkis mouth was wide open, she was staring at Bella in shock
"Ow, babe your squeezing my hand" Billie says looking down to Nikki.
"Ill explain later Nikki" Bella says looking at her.
"Y-yeah ok" Nikki stutters
"Wait... what?" I ask really confused
"Did we miss something?" Billie asks looking at me and Tré. I shrug my shoulders and Tré does the same.
~Billie's P.o.v~
"Did we miss something?" I ask earning shrugs from Mike and Tré
"Its nothing" Nikki says forcing a smile.
"Whatever you say" I smile
"So How bout we do something you fuckers?" Tré says while laughing.
"Hell yeah" Nikki agrees.
"Why not" Mike says
"Of course" Bella says jumping up
"Hey guys, i saw this old abandoned ware house The other day, how bout we go explore?" I suggest.
"YASS BITCH" Tré yells causing us all to laugh he is just so cute, wait no stop I cant think like that, I have a girl friend now.
"Ight, Ill lead!" i yell  and take off running as the others trail behind me.
"This is it" I say as we walk up to the door of the old building
I push the door open revealing a large dark room with s few windows.
"Do the lights work?" Tré asks
"How the hell would I know?" I ask while laughing
"I dunno" Tré says as I flip on the light switch and the old light flickers on.
"Huh, so I guess it does work" Tré laughed and ran around the old place jumping onto an old dusty couch, that seems to be in decent shape.
"Yup" i say popping the 'p'
"This is EVERYTHING" Nikki yelled.
"Hell yeah" mike agreed
"I love this" Bella said sitting down next to Tré
"Same" Tré exclaimed before jumping up and running around like a maniac
"GUYS!, Why don't we practice here!?" I say excitedly
"YES" Tré and Mike both agreed.
"Well go get my Bass Tré's Drums and well swing by your place and get Blue and any other things we need like Mics and Amps and shit" Mike said as him Tré and Bella left to get our instruments.
Me and Nikki are alone now so she came over and sat in my lap
"I love you" I said  kissing her neck.
"I love you too" she said before kissing me, then her phone rang and rudely interrupted us.
"Hello?" She begins talking into the phone.
"Yes, This is her"
"Uh no sir I have a place to stay here in Rodeo"
"With my..   uh boy friend"
"I Am NOT to young!"
"Ugh, Thursday? Ok, whatever bye" she said hanging up.
"Who the hell was that?" I ask
"Some man from child protection services trying to make me move to L.A with my brother since my moms in jail and I'm only 16." She said  with rage in her voice.
"Oh.   And what about Thursday?" I ask
"Me and you.. have to go to court to prove that its safe for me to live with you." She said sadly.
"And if they don't believe I should stay with you I'll be sent to L.A to live with my brother who I don't even know...." she continued.
"Did they give you his number or anything?" I ask.
"The guy texted it to me, but what if my 'brother' hates me?" She said worriedly
"Don't worry babe, he cant hate you, I don't see how anyone could hate someone as perfect as you" I said smiling
"Well.... if you say so" she said unconvincingly.
"Lets give him a call# I suggest and she nods her head and dials the number.
"Hello?" A male voice said
"Hi, this is Nikki I uh- your my uh-  brother?" Nikki said nervously
"Oh yeah! My names Kian by the way" he said happily and Nikkis face lit up.
"Wait, Like Kian lawley.. like Kian Lawley from O2L Like one of the awesomest guys in existence?" Nikki asked excitedly
"Yup that's me I guess you watch my videos then?" He laughed
"All the time" she smiled.
~nikki pov~
Me and Kian talked for a while longer then I got off the phone.
Ill never get used TL the fact that Kian fucking Lawley is my Brother.
"See babe I told you there was nothing to worry about." Billie said resting a hand on my thigh.
"But what if we lose and I get sent to L.A" i asked worriedly
"Don't worry I wont let that happen" he said kissing my cheek. Then he kissed me on the lips. He pulled away and came pack a little more forcefully this time, then he trailed kisses down my neck and began to suck on it leaving a mark for sure. I couldn't hold back anymore and a moan escaped my mouth. Billie pulled away and leaned in by my ear and whispered,
"I want you.. now" which sent shivers down my spine
"On this dusty couch?" I smirked
"Yeah" is all he said as he pulled off his short and kissed me passionately before pulling off my shirt and started kissing down my jaw and neck, then he continued till he got to my collar bone and he began sucking on it
"B-billie" I moaned then I heard the old door squeak and fly open.
"Oh uh are we intruding?" Mike said looking away and I felt the heat rise to my cheeks
"Nikki!" Bella yelled. And Tré just stood there with Blue in his hands looking broken. I quickly pulled on my shirt, but Billie Didn't bother with his shirt he just went straight to Mike and Tré and they began setting up.
"Details?" She asked
"we Didn't get far enough thanks to you" I laughed
"Oh, then what's that?" She asked pointing to the  hickey Billie left on my neck. I just smiled
"Hey we need to talk" I said seriously pulling her to the corner.
"Yeah.." she mumbled.
"Do you.. like Billie?" I ask
"No... " she trails off
"Bella, I wont get mad just tell me the truth."  I say
"Its the truth I don't like him... I love him" she said nervously
"I don't blame you" i smiled...
"" after all I fell for the idiot too " I laughed looking over at him and the others as they set up.
"Yeah... I almost admitted that I loved him earlier that was close" she says looking around
"Yeah i know and they didn't notice" I laughed.
"Dude.. Im starting to like Mike A LOT more" she smiled at the thought of him
"Aweee i ship it" I laughed
"Were ready" Billie yelled and me and Bella ran over to where they were and Billie began to play a familiar tune, the one he played in his room for me. Mike and Tre also played along with him and he began to sing
"Summer has come and passed, the innocent can never last, wake me up when September ends, like my fathers come to pass 7 years has gone so fast, wake me up when September ends." Billies beautiful voice rang through the room and they finished the song and me and Bella began clapping like crazy. Then Bella ran to Mike and hugged him, making him blush and I went to Billie who was holding back tears.
"Its Ok Beej, your dad is proud of you I promise" I say kissing his cheek.
"I'm proud of you too, you guys are going to be big one day, I swear" I say with a smile.
"Yeah, hopefully" he smiles.
I've been writing it during school soo yeah. And 400 reads?! Thank you guys so Much your the best.
Also Im going to a Green day concert in 8 days Im so ready.
As always,
I'll see you little idiots, next Chapter

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