Chapter 24

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~Billies pov~

We could hear the sirens, they weren't here yet but they were close. Just as I thought we were all going to make it out of this okay,( aside from Nikkis shoulder injury,) nA loud bang rang through the air followed by Bella falling to the ground with a loud screech, and A lot of blood.

"HOLY FUCK" I screamed laying Nikkis head onto the floor and rushing over to Bella who had just been shot in the stomach.

"B-Billie" She tried to talk.

"No just be quiet and focus on my eyes" Mike said pulling off His shirt and placing it where Bella had just gotten shot.

"Bella Bella stay with me god damn it" He cursed him self. Then I heard Cameron laugh.

"Awee you little love birds are so pathetic" He said  with the gun still in his hand, I stood up and I was about to go bash the mother fuckers face in, but Tre grabbed my shoulder,

"He has a gun.. remember" he whispered.

"I dont give a shit, he hurt two of the most important people in my life." 

I whispered back.

"Cameron, Im done with your bull shit" I said through clenched teeth.

"What are you gonna do.. pretty boy" He scoffed

"Your.." I said trying to hold back my anger.

"Face it Nikki doesn't even love you" He said trying to get on my nerves.. and it was working

"Yes she does" I state firmly

"No, she never did and she never will your just a rebound, shes just trying to get over me but we both know.. she still loves me" He scoffed and I couldn't hold back anymore, before anyone even had a chance to breathe I was on top of Cameron with the gun in my hand, I dont know where that adrenaline came from.

"You bastard" He aid trying to get out from under me.

"Tre take this gun before I shoot this mother fucker" I spoke while holding the gun in the air, and Tre did as he was told and took the gun

"Hows bella holding up" I asked while restraining Camerons arms

"Not so good man, shes drifting in and out I'm scared" Mike said, and I heard his voice break a little, like he was crying, oh man he must really have a thing for her.

"Mike shes strong shell make it.. she has to" I say trying to reassure him.. but Im not so sure myself anymore.

"I hope so.." He trailed off

"B-Beej" I heard Nikki try to talk

"Hey baby its ok" I say, I think shes lost a lot of blood to.. I cant lose my girls... Ill lose myself.. theyve really changed my life.. ever since that one day.. back when we all went to school everyday, and we snuck Nikki out to smoke with us, and she introduced us to Bella, we've been to hell and back with these two, we cant lose them now.

"Nikki, you gotta keep your eyes open, your losing a lot of blood I cant lose you." I say while still trying to hold Cameron down.

"I-Im tr-trying B-beej..  I- I Love you.. don't ever f-forget tha-that" She said with sharp breaths..

"I love you too god damn it" I say punching Cameron hard in the face.

"If either one of them dies I swear to god Ill kill you with my bare fucking hands got it" I  yelled in his face.. and he had the nerve to laugh. 

"Tre Im gonna need you to hold this fucker down I need to be with Nikki" I said as Tre walked over

"eye eye captain" He said sitting onto Cameron while I got up.

I ran to Nikki. The rag we had over her shoulder was completly soaked in blood.

"Damn it" I muttered as I took it off of her and threw it down,Then I pulled my shirt off and tied it around her arm.

"Nikki.., Nikki" I say starting to panic, but I feel a pulse Its slow, but its there

"B- Bee..j" She mumbles, 

"Yeah Im here just focus on my voice." I say rubbing her uninjured arm. Then I went over to mike and Bella

"Bella" I mumbled and her eyes shot open, but she didnt speak.

"Damn it Billie  I cant lose her" Mike turned to me, his once bright blue eyes were dim and filled with tears,

"I know Mike, I need her too, so does Nikki and Tre, all we can do right now is pray that those damn ambulances get here soon" I said rubbing his back.

"I-love her Billie" He whispered looking over to me

"I know you do.." I trailed off not knowing what to say

" I never even got to tell her" He said letting a few tears run down his face.

"Youll get to tell her Mike, shes not going to let this take her down shes strong" I said, not really knowing if what i was saying was true or not.

"I hope so.." He said looking down letting more tears run down his face, I lifted up his chin and wiped the tears away,

"Don't cry Mike, I don't like seeing my best friend sad" I said while pulling him into a hug.

Then four or five paramedics ran in

"WHOS HURT" The man yelled

"Nikki and Bella have both been shot, Nikki in the shoulder and Bella in the stomach" I said quickly.

"And this bastards foot has been shot or something" Tre added.

"They quickly took Bella and Nikki out side to the ambulances, then some cops came to talk to us

"Who did this?" one asked

"Uhh this guy" Tre said getting off of Cameron. the cop ran over to him and pulled him up quickly hand  cuffing him.

"Ahh this is the one that escaped, last time he held 5 people hostage and," He stopped realizing it was us.

"Yeah we know.. that was us" Mike spoke up.

"so uh boys where are your shirts?" the other cop asked.

"Mines tied around Nikkis shoulder.." I say

"And mines around Bella" Mike spoke.

"Im still wearing mine so" Tre added.

"Ah I see" The cop spoke ass he brought Cameron out side and shoved him into a cop car.

Then we all ran outside quickly jumping into the ambulance with Nikki and Bella.

"I have some good news " The nurse spoke.

"Ok what is it?" We all three said at the same time eager to know if theyll be ok or not.

"Nikki Is doing great, she has lost a lot of blood, and we dont know when she will wake up, but shes recovering fast." She spoke.

"What about bella?" Mike asked..

"Shes.. not doing so well" The nurse said and Mike fell to the floor

"God damn it why.." He said through sobs.. It broke my heart to see him like this, after all he is my best friend.. and I love him.

A/N HEYYYY Im backkk


Also I had to add just a hint Of Bike because Billie and Mike are adorable.

This chapter was eventful, but thats just the beginning, I Hope you guys are enjoying the story 

Thank you so much for even reading this, I know its kinda shitty, because I suck at writing but I enjoy writing this, and now that I'm not having writers block I should be able to update at least every other day, if not ever day.


As Always, Ill see you Little Idiots Next Chapter


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