Part 3: Mind the Gap

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It took surprisingly little effort to get the others to agree to leave the train car. The only one who needed convincing was Mr. Sato. "I've seen too many horror movies like this," he said, his arms crossed. "The heroes start heading to safety, only to get picked off one by one."

"Well, sure," said the Doctor. "Good point. But what about the one who thinks he's playing it safe, only to ironically be the first one attacked?"

Sato sighed and stood up. "Touché."

They started to walk through the cars towards the back of the train, Shinji holding the glowstick, Mr. Sato carrying the lantern. The Doctor, paint can under one arm, walked in front with Ms. Miyamura. "By the way," the Doctor said conversationally to her. "I've been meaning to ask, could I borrow your radio?"

"You mean my cell phone?"

"No, I mean your radio. The one you keep in your purse, next to the handgun."

Everyone stopped in their tracks. "She has a gun?" Sato asked.

"So did Mr. Sadamoto," the Doctor stated matter-of-factly. "Rolled up in his magazine. Only reason I let him go off on his own."

Ms. Miyamura sighed. "I guess it can't be helped, then." She took a badge from her purse and showed it to the group. "NERV Intelligence, Public Safety and Security Division. Mr. Sadamoto is my partner."

"A security agent?" Mrs. Yamashita exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you think? Keeping an eye on him." Ms. Miyamura pointed a thumb at Shinji.

Shinji blinked. "Misato sent you?"

"Captain Katsuragi," Ms. Miyamura said, a slight note of disdain in her voice, "didn't have to. You're a pilot. We're always watching." She reached into her purse and threw a small grey box at the Doctor. "Here. It's not picking up anything, though. I already tried."

The Doctor caught the box in his free hand and examined it. "Military-grade. Shielded power source. Brilliant. I'll see if I can boost the signal on this."

"As long as you can walk and do that, fine." Ms. Miyamura pulled the handgun out of her purse and clipped it to the belt of her dress. "And incidentally, Doctor? We're going to have a talk after this is over. A long talk."

The Doctor grinned. "Can't wait."

Ms. Miyamura narrowed her eyes. "Come on, then." She waved the group to follow her.


They went through the next few train cars in silence. It lasted until someone's stomach grumbled. Shinji realized, to his surprise, that it was his own. That's right, he thought. He hadn't had anything to eat that day, had he.

"Here." Shinji turned his head. Mrs. Yamashita was walking next to him, her son by her side. She held a candy bar out to Shinji.

Shinji took it. "Oh. Thank you."

"I've been thinking," she said, her voice trembling a little. "I probably won't get the chance to say this to you again. So I just wanted to say - thank you. Thank you so much."

Shinji stared at her. "Y-you're welcome."

She smiled and pulled Hiroshi a little closer to her side. "I suppose you don't hear very much from people outside of the organization. But everyone really does -"

"Hey, who's that?" Sato asked.

He had stopped short and was holding up the lantern. At the very end of the train car they had just entered, Mr. Sadamoto was sitting back in one of the seats, his magazine spread out over his face. He looked like he was sleeping.

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