Bonus Material: Evaluation - Candidate Shinji Ikari

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**This report is Classified SPECIAL ACCESS ONLY/GEVURAH. Report all unauthorized access.**

### Executive Summary
Date of Birth: 2001 June 6
Age: 14
Mother: IKARI, YUI (deceased)
Father: IKARI, GENDO (formerly ROKUBUNGI)

Candidate Ikari has resided at the Shimokita Special Evacuation School, Aomori Prefecture for the past eleven years. Grades and teacher reports reveal a mediocre student with no remarkable attributes or relevant aptitudes. While generally docile and polite, the candidate shows a high degree of introversion and has few (if any) friends. Physical fitness reports are below the norm for his age group, though not to a significant degree.

In short, Candidate Ikari suffers from above-average depression, low self-esteem, marked deficits in social functioning, and unimpressive coping skills -- all symptoms consistent with (and more than likely stemming from) extensive parental neglect. These factors suggest the candidate will have a poor response to combat stress, with a below-average prognosis in the face of repeated exposure.

However, Candidate Ikari has no obvious disabilities that would exclude him from service. The committee therefore finds the candidate acceptable for combat duty, albeit strictly in the context of a short-term, expendable asset.

Candidate Ikari is the son of Executive Commander Gendo Ikari (NERVCOM). To preclude any appearance of a conflict of interest, Commander Ikari was exempt from the evaluation committee. He was instead asked to review the preliminary draft of this report. He had no comments nor objections regarding its content.

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