E5 Part 4: How does my child work in teams?

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"Hurt. Hurt."

The whispers of the horde outside the classroom filtered in through the thin wall. The shadows of a dozen hands pressed against the door. How many of the things were in the hallway by now? Shinji couldn't even guess. Maybe thirty. Maybe a hundred.

"Doors," the Doctor gasped out. He leaned against the various tables and chairs they'd hurriedly thrown against the room's entrance. "Big, thick doors. With locks. Bit impersonal, I know. All the same -- I'd recommend them. None of this sliding business."

"That's not how we do things here," Misato snapped. She crouched with her back to the wall next to the door, gun held at the ready.

"I know, I know. I'm just saying, the benefits -- awwww, don't do that. Don't --" Noxious yellow fumes started to pour through the cracks around the door. The Doctor pulled off his coat and stuffed it into the top railing. The rate of incoming smog lessened, though not by much.

"We're all going to die, aren't we."

The speaker was the big-nosed kid, his voice monotone, large inelegant tears rolling down his face. He and the rest of the class were huddled in the front of the room by the windows. Shinji himself sat on the floor, halfway between them and the two adults by the door. Rei stood in the back of the room, staring out into space.

Hikari reached over and smacked the big-nosed kid across the back of the head. "Of course we're not! The commander of NERV's here! She won't let anything happen to us!" She didn't sound very confident, Shinji couldn't help but notice.

Misato said nothing. She grimly drew the slider back on the handgun, then pulled her purse closer to her foot.

The big-nosed kid started to cry again. "Oh, God," the short-haired girl whispered. She clutched an ornate wooden cross to her chest. "Ohgodohgodohgodohgod..."

"CLASS!" the Doctor roared. "STAND!"

And Shinji suddenly found himself on his feet, along with the rest of the class. Even Misato stood up straight - then sat back down, a pained expression on her face.

"Right. Last time I make you do that, I promise." The Doctor crossed to the center of the room. "Look at me. Look at my face. You're my class. That puts you under my protection. Keep your wits about you, follow my lead, and I promise you - I will get every single one of you out of this alive."

The room was silent for a moment. Kensuke raised his hand. "Can you... do that?" he asked.

The Doctor grinned. "Watch and learn." He spun around. "Ms. Ayanami, help the captain mind the door. Shinji - see about getting those windows open. Should buy us some time against the gas." Shinji nodded. "Mr. Aida, if you would be so kind, sah, as to go into the first-aid kit in the supply closet. See if they've got any of those breath masks like you see on the subway. Everyone else, find something to cover your mouth and nose - handkerchiefs, piece of cloth, whatever you can find. And you - sorry, what's your name again? Hadn't called on you yet."

The big-nosed kid looked up. "S-sadahiko Kobayashi."

"Sadahiko. Good to meet you. What'd you bring for lunch today, Sadahiko?"

"L-lunch?" He blinked. "Uh, a bento box."

"What kind?"

"Um. Tuna sashimi. And edamame."

"Perfect." The Doctor smiled. "Go and fetch it for me, could you? Swap you my peanut butter for it. The rest of you lot - get ready to move in a few minutes. We're getting out of this room."

"How?" Toji asked.

"Working on it. Go!" The Doctor rushed over to the windows. Shinji followed him. The rest of the class started to move.

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