Deleted Scene: Just Scarecrows To War

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"Roger." Officer Kitazume gunned the patrol car's engine and let out a short burst from the siren. Great, he thought. It had to be one of those crazy new religions, then, like they'd been talking about on the news the other night. Just what his day needed.

He pushed the car forward towards the hodgepodge of people making their way up the street. They looked to be kids for the most part, though here and there he could see the odd middle-aged office type and construction worker and elderly pensioner. He pulled up to one of the people towards the front of a crowd — a short schoolgirl wearing a hoodie, a pair of thick-rimmed glasses dangling precariously from the neckline — and lowered his window. "Excuse me, miss, but what the hell do you people think you're doing? You can't just block up the street like this —"

The girl halted. She looked up at him.

He stared at her face — or rather, the bone-colored mask she wore on top of it. "Is — is this some kind of sick joke? You've got some nerve, wearing something like that in this city —"

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