Bonus Material: Text message log from phone of H. Horaki, September 2015

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Note: this text has been edited for punctuation and clarity.

To: Nozomi

From: Nozomi

To: Nozomi
SCHOOL UNDER ATTACK. I'm in 2a. Get up here as soon as you can.

To: Nozomi
If you can't, find somewhere to hide.

To: Nozomi

To: Nozomi
Oh god they're outside the room. Don't come up here. I think they're after the pilots.

To: Nozomi
Tell dad and big sis I love them. Love you.

To: Nozomi
I'm okay. We're all okay.

To: Nozomi
We're on the third floor. Come up to us if you can.

To: Nozomi
The third years are here too. And Mr. Kongo has a gun for some reason. Where are you?

To: Nozomi
Where are you?

To: Nozomi
Where are you?

To: Nozomi
Where are you?

From: Nozomi

To: Nozomi

From: Nozomi
no. sorry

From: Nozomi
they got me and a bunch of the others. dragged us down here. couldn't move til now

To: Nozomi
Can you get out? Can you run?

To: Nozomi
The army's outside. Just hold on. Help's on the way.

To: Nozomi
Also, there's this weird teacher and this woman from NERV up here. I think they're doing something too.

From: Nozomi
can't stand. they breathe out some kind of gas. makes you stop moving. pass out and stuff

From: Nozomi
but listen

From: Nozomi
there's something down here

To: Nozomi
What do you mean?

From: Nozomi
can't really see it. too dark

From: Nozomi
they keep dragging people off that way

From: Nozomi
i think they're feeding us to it

To: Nozomi
If that's supposed to be a joke, it's really really not funny.

From: Nozomi
not a joke

From: Nozomi
love you, okay? love dad and kodama too

From: Nozomi
don't know how much longer until its my turn

From: Nozomi
i'm scared

To: Nozomi
Hold on, okay? Just hold on. I'm on my way down right now.

To: Nozomi
Be there soon. I promise.

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