E8 Part 2: Canceling the Apocalypse

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NERV Headquarters. Central Dogma. Command Center.

Shinji felt Misato's hand on his shoulder. She pulled him back, away from the Doctor.

"Security," Father said.

Four guards stepped up, each armed with a submachine gun. They took aim at the Doctor's back.

The keyboard clacked away for another moment.

The Doctor sighed and rose to his feet.

"You can shoot me if you like." He turned to face the commander. "Can't recommend it, though. I'm not letting you put children on the front lines. Ever. And right now, that makes me the only thing standing between you and what's coming."

The commander showed no sign of emotion. "And were I to choose to deploy the pilots to the surface, with or without the Evas?"

The Doctor bared his teeth. "Then you'll wish I'd left you to the Angels."

Shinji heard a series of clicks as the guards pulled back the bolts on their rifles.

Misato coughed. "Sir? If I may?"

Father studied her for a moment, then gave a slight, almost imperceptible nod.

Misato crossed over to the Doctor through the guards' line of fire. "Would've figured you were past this after last week," she whispered.

"That was an accident," the Doctor muttered. "This time, I'd be choosing to send them into battle. And that's not a line I'm willing to cross. Not now. Not ever."

Misato rubbed her eyes. "We've been through this before. You know the situation. We don't have a choice."

"There's always a choice," the Doctor said quietly. "You just have to look for it.

"Right! Here's what I can do for you." He raised his voice so that the rest of the staff could hear him. He hit a button. A holographic schematic of what looked like the nosecone of a missile appeared above the console. "This N2 mine you've got in storage -- big thermobaric bomb, yeah? Bring it here and I can quintuple the yield at minimum. Plan is, we evacuate everyone, then send this to the surface when the cousins get here. We'll lose the city, but if your shelters are up to spec, everyone underground should make it through."

Misato crossed her arms. "We've tried N2 mines before. They've been less than effective. Why would this be any different?"

"Might not. But even then, it'll buy me time to come up with something else." The Doctor winced. "Us time. I really meant to say buy us time. Honestly."

Maya raised her hand. "Excuse me, but when you say we'll lose the city, how much are we talking about? 70%? 80%? Or...?"

The Doctor looked at her and hesitated.

"... oh." Maya put her hand down. "You... really mean the city."

"Wouldn't go betting the farm on beachfront property either right now, to be honest." The Doctor sounded apologetic.

"Even if you can do what you're describing," Ritsuko said, "we'd need one of the heavy lift elevators up and running to get the bomb to the surface."

"Thought of that, too." The Doctor pressed a key. A flat metal pad, its surface tattooed with camouflage colors, replaced the nosecose. "Bring up one of these tactical bombs. I'll show you how to convert it into a fuel cell. Chemical power. Seems they have a harder time draining that, judging by the evidence." He pointed his thumb at the yellow Vespa on the lower level.

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