Chapter 5 (Discipline Is Righteous)

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Both of the girls ran from our abandoned warehouse, after I had let them out of their cells, and set them free into the wilderness.

Somehow, this felt extremely empowering. Going against Satan and doing... good. Something I was told would bound upon my soul, and scrape at whatever dignity I had.

Could it be true that everything Satan has taught me been wrong? But what of my mother? Was she not truly evil?

"What have we here?" Satan spoke in a deadly tone. I turned around to face him. I raised my chin in defiance, which only seemed to irritate him more.

"The cat ratted you out," he stated, stepping swiftly towards me. He suddenly ran forward, punching me square on the right cheek bone. It was a hard hit, which made my bone feel numb in the moment, and painful in the next.

"Why did you do this?" He started. "Snap out of it," he snapped his fingers directly in front of my face. "Do you really think those girls would do the same for you?"

At that, my hope fell short. Of course they wouldn't... Sam and Samantha never did.

"If they had found you rotting in a cell, they would have left for their own. I saved you. I'm the only one who cares. To everyone else, you're worthless. And if you side with them, you're worthless to me as well."

I looked at the ground, distracting from Satan's gaze. He seemed to have lost his temper when he tossed me to the ground, only to kick my ribs in. I could feel and hear bones breaking and shattering. But there was no mercy. No breaks. But I knew I had deserved this. How dare I disobey?

"There is no kindness, Ethan. Love, kindness, mercy is for the weak. And if you decide to fall to them, those that will make you care, and then leave you to rot, you're siding against me," he stared in my eyes with no expression or emotion. "And if you side against me, I'll kill you and drag you to Hell along with me. You're too late to be good," he spat. "Thousands of victims on your hands, Ethan. You're going to Hell." He stood and walked away yet again. All I lasted was his boots walking away, just as before, leaving me to rot in my filthy mistake.


As soon as we hit the woods, Brianna spun directly in front of me, making me hit her muscular, small body. My thin, fragile body went smack on the Moss and fallen Pine needles.

She suddenly disappeared, and few seconds later, appeared back. She literally disappeared in mid-air, like magic. But the possibility slipped my mind when I saw and unconscious girl pressed into Brianna's chest. No movement struck upon this girl's body. Fear arose in my mind and body.

Brianna suddenly dropped her body to the ground. Her hand was behind her back, and she bit her lip in exquisite pleasure upon my fear. As she slowly reached out the hand behind her back, I stared in horror at the girl. She was definitely dead, and there was a gaping wound from her chest.

I could even smell the blood. It tasted coppery on tongue from the smell itself.

Brianna officially presented her hand, and the most horrifying thing in it....

A heart.

I bolted as soon as the thought crossed my mind. Demon powers. Whatever happened to me earlier made us demons. And I'm willing to bet that demons eat flesh, or blood, or hearts....

Brianna suddenly appeared in front of me. My body slammed into hers, making only me stumble to the ground. She slowly stretched out her hand to me with the heart in it. I could hear my heartbeat while panic arose in my stomach.

It seemed self-consciously, I knew my body could not reject it. So my body did nothing to stop me from ripping the heart out of her grasps, and into mine.

The hearts texture, what should've been revolting, slid swiftly down my throat. The taste was intoxicating, and the meaty flesh was the best part.

I hadn't even realized how lost I had gotten in it, until it was completely gone. I stared, horrified, upon my hands. There was no heart, only blood that I had sworn that would not be upon my hands.

I touched my face, and only felt the same sticky mess that was upon my hands.

I looked up at Brianna, who is now grinning at me with triumph. She knelt down directly in front of me, looking into my eyes with utter evil.

"Let's make it a competition," she spoke threateningly. "Whoever kills the man that let us go gets to live. The other gets killed by the one who won."

"Why are you doing this?" I blurted. My tears streamed, causing a tear trail through blood on my face.

"Poor Rebecca, that's all it is," she stared into my eyes with an unknown fury. "Always so innocent, constantly the victim." She scraped her acrylic nail under my chin, forcing me to look victimized and helpless. "Not for long," she said with a large grin, and simply disappeared, leaving me in my own filthy mess.

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