Chapter 24 (The Unforgiven)

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I woke up on a couch, the squealing sound of a girl ringing in my ears. I looked over at the redhead, who was bound in rope. She shut up when she spotted me, her eyes widening in fear. I touched my stomach where Katherine stabbed me, crumbling away dried blood.

"You got taken down by a girl," Satan said, walking in beside Coleman. "How pathetic," he spat. I looked at Coleman's smirking face, my agitation growing. "We're keeping Alexis dear until her friends come to save her," he spoke softly, stroking her face. She cried more, squeezing her eyes shut, as though she could wake up from this nightmare any minute.

"But they're dead," I choked, confusion now crushing my living being.

"Not for long," Satan grinned.


After my friends slowly arose, they all grabbed at their throats, the gouge in their necks gone. I sat back in my backyard, feeling the grass like I never had before.

"We died?" Hazel teared up, fear overwhelming her.

"Yes, you did," a boaming voice suddenly struck from above. We all stared up at the sky, utterly shell shocked. It was the Spirit.

"You're real?" I gasped in shock. God, how stupid could I be? My animals trotted up beside us, looking up at him gratefully. I saw the wife's face, yet she was smirking. Like a Satan kind of smirk.

"You shall find peace knowing that Rebecca is here. If you serve well, and stick together as one, you will proceed."

"Can they be taken out? I don't want them involved," I questioned, avoiding their eye contact.

"They know too much, for one. And for two, you will be utterly miserable without their company. You will endure great tragedy, but know that in the end, it will all be worth it."

"I know me you expect me to fall in love with Ethan, but I can't. All I feel is hatred," I shook with rage inside and out.

"Forgiveness, Katherine."

"I don't have any," I grinded my teeth, trying not to flip my shit. I never thought God would sound like my father in life advice.

"See, Brianna is in Hell. She hasn't been given a chance for forgiveness. And Ethan will be trapped in the same situation," he spoke calmly, his chin raised in authority at a constant.

"Then let him!" I was about to have another breakdown. He killed my friends. Once will turn into twice, and the cycle goes on. They also had Alex, and if she wasn't dead, who knows what they were doing to her?

"I will not make your decisions. But just know this: when deemed as unforgiven, the victim of justice and revenge will feel unchanged, like a ticking time bomb, ready to destroy everything in its way without its control." He then faded into the clouds. That bitch of a wife was still smirking, and she slowly faded as well, after winking at me mischieviously.

"I don't give a shit about destiny," I cursed at the sky. "I have to save my friend, not respect a God that made this tragic story come true."

"Do not be impulsive," Molly spoke up, yet stood back, as though ready for my anger to unleash.

"I will fight this Chosen-One-hood to the end. I know how this ends; I created this mess. Now I'm going to finish it, starting with Ethan's death."

I stormed off, hearing the complaints of Blackie about destroying destiny. Although, I play to win. And if I'm forced playing this game, everyone's going to be a loser, and I'll make sure of it. Ethan will suffer, and I will not lend a hand. Ethan will remain unforgiven for eternity.

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