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Amelia nervously waited for the knock on her door.  She was finally going to find out who had been sending her and Louis the messages.  She was scared but relieved to finally have the messages stop.  She paced the floor and was about to give up hope when she heard the knock.

"Hel.... What the hell? It's you?" Amelia said, shocked.

Krissi was surprised when Harry suggested they go on a little get away.  She was excited to finally get some alone time with her husband. Their counseling sessions had been going great and he had even started taking about having a child together.  She asked him several times if he was sure that was what he wanted. He had assured her every time.  They had even thrown out her birth control together.  They were throwing caution to the wind.

"Harry, can you help me zip my suitcase?" she asked.

"Sure love. You know, we could have bought you stuff once we got to LA." He told her.

"I know, but I'm still not used to you buying me stuff." Krissi said pulling the zipper shut.

"It's my job now. You're my wife. By the way, I think you should quit working for Tom. I want you to go on tour with me and you can't do that if you're working as Tom's assistant." Harry said.

"You have a point. I would just hate to just up and quit on him. Maybe I can give him my resignation and give him time to find a new assistant.  So McFly turned down the offer to open for you guys huh?"

"yeah. Tom adamantly refused to be anywhere near Louis.  And rumor has it Tonya might be pregnant so Danny doesn't want to leave her.  So who knows what we are going to do." He replied.

"That's too bad.  I'm sure you'll find someone.  Ok. I'm ready. Shall we?" she said sweetly.

"Yes we shall." He laughed.

"Come on Liam! Stop blocking my shots." Louis yelled before throwing the game controller at Liam.

"Sorry mate. You might be better on the actual pitch but I rule at FIFA." Liam chuckled.

"True. You're pretty shit at football." Louis said opening a beer. "I need some advice."

"Alright. I'll try.  Is this about Eleanor or Amelia?"

"Both actually.  You know Eleanor broke up with at Niall's wedding right?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that, but you looked pretty friendly with Amelia." Liam said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah yeah.  We had a talk and things seem to be looking up." Louis said taking a drink from the bottle.

"So what's the problem?"

"El came over last night. She wants to make amends. Said she was sorry for how she reacted at the wedding. She claims seeing Amelia and I together set her off and it upset her." Louis told him.

"Interesting. Do you want to stay with her?  I know how you feel about Amelia, but she's with Tom." Liam asked.

"Actually. Tom left her.  That's why she was at the wedding alone.  Everyone else thinks he was at home with the flu.

"What the fuck? Seriously? What happened?" Liam asked in total shock.

"She told him that we've been hanging out.  He freaked. She tried to explain that she was only helping me with writing and my drinking, which is true. He didn't believe her so he left."

"Whoa. That's crazy.  Wait. She's been helping you write? That explains all the good shit coming from you lately mate." Liam said.

"Yeah. I'm telling ya, she's a good influence on me. She makes me want to be better." Louis sighed.

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