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"I am so ready to have married people sex" She giggled. "It's time for me to get my sexy on. Louis help me back to my dressing room please. I can't walk by myself" She laughed. "I need to prepare for my husband."

"Um perhaps that's a job better suited to your maid of honor?" Louis said giving Amelia that 'help me' look.

Marian put on her best pouting face. "I thought we were friends" she said pouting and blinking her eyes.

"Nope. Sorry love. But I will make it up to you by making sure Amelia gets home safe."

"Rude, all One Direction men are jerks. I can make it on own" She jested then waved them all off and wobbly made her way out of the room.

Amelia followed after her just in case.She knew how Marian was after she had been drinking. They had lots of experience with each other drunk. "We will be right back."She laughed.

Marian plopped down on the couch then looked over at Amelia.

"I can't believe it. I am finally a married woman. To be honest Mel, I never thought this day would come. But it has and I am actually married to Niall and no one stopped me. I am still in shock; I love him so fucking much" she sighed. "Can you believe that asshole had sex in my dressing room. Ugh, he is going to drive me to drink while out on tour"

"You need to stop being so concerned with him. Niall is your husband and he can't do anything about it." Amelia said before showing Marian the bottle of champagne she was hiding. "Shhh. Let's drink it all before they come looking for us.

Do you think I did the right thing by telling Louis the truth? I mean I'm still married to Tom. It's only been a week.

"Telling the truth is always the right thing. I know you hate to admit it, but Louis is the one for you. I know this to be true" she nodded. "Pour me some more drink"

"I know. But what do I do about Tom? I do love him. He is my husband. At least right now he is."She sighed pouring them both a glass of champagne. "How did my life get so fucking hard?"

"You were insistent that Louis didn't mean anything to you. It was only sex, so you ignored your feeling and went into the safety of Tom's arms. You took the safe option and now you are paying for playing it safe. I know you love Tom, but he isn't the one who sets your soul on fire"

"You need to have a long talk with Tom and see about a separation. Sort out your feelings and such"She said down her drink. "More"

"Well in order to have that talk, he needs to stop being a child and respond to my texts. I have no idea where he even is." Amelia said as she poured more. "His band mates are useless. They won't tell me shit. I think Dougie knows. But he won't talk to me either."

"Your Fucked" she said bluntly. "Go home and wait til he comes back. Then have the talk you need to follow your heart no matter how hard it may be."

"Girl I wish I was being fucked."She giggled. "We should probably get you back so you can tell your guests good bye."

"I need to change out of this outfit and into my wedding panties. My track suit is in the closet.Give me five minutes to Change, then we can head back. Thanks for everything Amelia. I mean it"

"So do you like it. It says Mrs.Horan will see you now on the back and spank me on my panties." She giggled a little too drunk to care at the moment.

"I do love it! I wear my "Mrs.Fletcher" trackies all the time when we are just hanging out at home. Tom gets a kick out of it.... or he did" Amelia says getting sad again.

"Perk up sister" she commanded. "You need to have a long talk with your husband and you need to decided what it is you really want out of life. Tommo or Fletcher. I am going to go find my husband and fuck his brains out"she shouted as she clumsily left the bridal suite.

"Go have fun! You earned this night!" Amelia said as Marian stumbled down the hallway.

Marian's vision was a little blurry and she was becoming nausea. She blinked her eyes to clear her vision. That was when she saw Harry leaving one of the restrooms. She was going to go tell him off for using her room as a sex room.

"Styles"She slurred. Then saw him roll his eyes are you.

"I am so not in the mood for you right now. Shouldn't you be looking for your broom"he snarled.

"You just had to have sex in my bridal suite."

Harry rolled his eyes at her, stupid fucking Niall and his big mouth.

Harry caught her before she fell on face

"I think I am going to be sick" she exclaimed.

"It's okay, I got you" she said then walked her over to the small couch next to the wall. He rubbed her back and grabbed the trash can next to couch just in time to her to throw up into the can.

Marian lifted her head and just stared at Harry.

"Thanks for being nice to me, you are not as mean as you come off" she admitted.

"I have my moments."

"I don't feel so good" she confessed then laid her head on his chest.

Harry stroked her head and it seemed to calm her.

Niall, noticed Amelia come back from the back but without Marian which worried him.he decided to take off and find his wife. Niall made his way down towards the back when he saw his wife snuggled up and in Harry Styles arms. That fucking bastard lied to him and now he was going to pay,Niall thought. He was going to kill the man right where he stood.Album, Tour or not. He was messing with his family.

"What the fuck is this? I thought you couldn't stand her and I was an idiot for marrying her" he shouted

"Shhh, calm down you will wake her up. It isn't what it looks like." Harry insisted.

"Then what is it?" Niall demanded.

Harry looked down at Marian who was soundly asleep on his chest and drooling.

"She isn't so bad when she is asleep or drunk." Harry admitted. "I was just minding my own business when your wife assaulted me then almost puked all over me. I was trying to be helpful for once. You know.Nice"

"Oh, well I am glad you were there to help her. She truly is a sweet funny caring person and I think you would like her if you gave her a chance"Niall stated. He really didn't want them to become friends. He had a bad feeling about the whole thing.

"I don't doubt she is, but the thing is. I don't want to give her a chance to prove me right. I am only being nice right Now because it's your wedding and I am a little too tipsy. Letting my guard down"

"Will you help me get her to my car?" Niall asked.

Harry stood up and tried to give Niall his wife back, but it seemed she had a good grasp on him.

"Ewan does the same thing, when he is passed out. Grabs hold and won't let go"Niall told him.

Harry felt his heart skip a beat at Niall's words.

"Alright I will get the bride to the car and Niall, I don't think you are an idiot.You are a very lucky man. You mess this up and I will break your face" Harry stated shocking Niall in the process.

Niall opened the door and whisper into Marian's ear that it was time to go. Marian let go of Harry once she was in the car. Harry kissed her cheek and whispered something into her ear. Something he would never admit to saying out loud.

"Have a good Honeymoon and remember we have work to do when you get back."Harry stated then left the Happy couple alone.

He needed to go and find his own wife. Tomorrow he needed to call his mother, he needed her advice.

Amelia and Louis watched as Niall and Harry put Marian in the car. Amelia was surprised by Harry being so nice to her. They were always at each other's throats. Maybe now that she was married to Niall, Harry would change his opinion of Marian. I mean stranger things have happened,she thought.

"Louis. Would you mind driving me home? I've had a bit too much champagne to drive myself."

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