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The next couple of weeks seemed to go by in a blur. Amelia and Marian spent the time working on Ewan's birthday plans while the guys were in the studio or rehearsing.  Marian had to admit she was a bit relieved that Niall had booked the museum. It was one less thing she had to worry about. They had sent out invitations online to everyone and almost everyone was coming. Amelia had sorted out the caterer and was working with the museum to make sure there would be enough room for the tables.  Marian had talked to the bakery about the cake. Ewan's smash cake was going to be a dinosaur egg with a toy dinosaur hidden inside.  She couldn't wait for his party. Everything was going smoothly.

"Marian. We have a problem!" Amelia shouted as she walked into Marian's kitchen.

"What kind of problem?" Marian asked, afraid of the answer.

"Well it turns out that there isn't enough room to place long tables in the space.  How do you feel about smaller round tables? We can scatter them throughout the room. It's not like we're sitting down to a full meal. People can grab small plates and mingle." Amelia told her.

"That sounds good. The bakery is going to deliver the cake around 4.  I'm glad we're doing this after the museum closes.  I'd rather not have any party crashers."

"I hear ya.  They are also allowing us to come in through the back. Niall was smart booking this. No one is going to expect us to be there for a party." Amelia said.

"Agreed.  So how are things going with you and Louis? Have you seen him much since tour stuff started?" Marian asked.

"Not as much as I'd like. We had dinner at his place the one night and it's been hit or miss since. Lots of texts though."

"I haven't seen much of Niall either.  He crawls into bed when he gets home, kisses me quick then falls sound asleep. I wasn't prepared for this. I miss my husband." Marian admitted.

"I know.  It's not for much longer and then you all are off to Australia for the first leg of the tour." Amelia said hugging her friend.

"I wish you were coming with.  How are you going to handle not being with Louis that long?" she asked.

"I'll figure it out. We have texts and facetime. Maybe I can come visit or something once you all get to Japan." She sighed.

She was going to miss everyone. Krissi and Marian were both joining their husbands on tour and Amelia was getting left behind.  She couldn't just show up on tour with Louis because their secret would be out. Tom still wasn't saying anything publicly about their split so that made things harder.  She hadn't told Marian that she had met with Tom last week.  He had agreed to giving her spousal support even though they hadn't been married.  He was also letting her keep the house and car and anything else he ever bought her. What she really needed was a job.  The only problem was that she wasn't sure what she wanted to do. 

"Of course you're going to come visit! You have to. We'll figure out a way. I promise." Marian said.

"I really need a job. Like seriously need a job." Amelia said, looking sad.

"Hey. I could hire you for the tour to be Ewan's nanny." Marian joked. "That would give you a reason to be with us the whole tour."

"I don't need my best friend paying my salary or giving me a pity job." Amelia argued.

"One. It's not a pity job and two. I wouldn't be paying it. Niall would." She laughed.

"Thanks. I'll think about it if I don't find anything else first." Amelia said as her and Marian's phones dinged.

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