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Amelia and Louis settled into a routine with Emery. Amelia also didn't mind when she realized that Louis had changed Emery's middle name at the last minute. She felt it was the perfect way to honor his mum. They even agreed that if they ever had a son his middle name would be Connor after Amelia's father.

"Babe, I've changed Em's diaper and fed her. I'm gonna go take a shower and then take a nap." Amelia said as she handed their daughter to him.

"Alright love. Come here princess. Daddy wants some time with you so I can tell you all about the fabulous vacation I'm going to take mummy on in a few weeks." Louis whispered in her ear.

Amelia smiled as she watched the two of them snuggle on the couch. She couldn't believe it had been two months since she had given birth to their little girl. She was such a good baby, but still was having trouble with the sleeping. She was relieved the tour was over and they could spend time as a family. Amelia had set about making wedding plans and Louis was planning their honeymoon. He refused to tell her where they were going. Just that she would love it. Lottie and Fizzy were going to keep Emery while they were gone. She turned and walked to their bedroom to shower.

"Harry! Hurry up. We're late for our baby class." Krissi said as she climbed the stairs to the clinic. "Silvie is going to be so mad at us again"

"I'm coming Jesus woman. How do you move so fast when you've got that big belly?" he teased.

She threw a dirty look in his direction. "This is your fault mister." She growled.

"Oh baby. You know I love your belly. That's my child in there and he is going to be so cute" Harry gushed.

"You do not know that it's a boy. It could be a girl." Krissi said from the top of the stairs, breathing hard as she waited for him to catch up.

They walked into the birthing class ten minutes late. Silvie, their midwife, shot Harry a look that should have killed him on the spot. Harry shrugged his shoulders and grinned at her causing her to smile back.

"Come on you two. You can catch up to the rest of us." She said as she motioned for them to take the mat at the back of the room.

Niall sat on the floor of the bathroom watching his son make a mess while taking a bath. There was water all over the floor and Ewan had drawn all over the walls with the bath crayons Marian had found while they were in the States. Marian was in the kitchen cleaning up after their dinner. Ewan had made a mess there as well, flinging his bowl of pasta on the floor when he was done. She was having second thoughts about having more children after seeing the destruction their son had done to the house since they had come back from tour. They were struggling to get him back into a normal routine after being on the road for so long and he was rebelling at almost two years old.

"Heaven help me when he's a teenager." Marian said to herself as she mopped the floor of the pasta sauce.

"Do you think it's too early to put him in military school?" she heard Niall ask from behind her.

She turned and laughed when she said her husband, clothes soaked to the bone, holding their naked son. "Yeah maybe just a little early. What happened?"

"Well, someone got a hold of the cup we use to brush our teeth and decided to dump a cup of water over dada. A few times." Niall said, not at all happy.

"Oh dear. Ewan that wasn't nice." She said trying to hold in a giggle.

"Mumma. Dada mad." Ewan said.

"Yes baby. Dada is mad. Come on. Mummy will get you dressed for bedtime." She said taking her son so Niall could change out of his wet clothes. "Say good night to Dada."

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