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A few days after Marian and Niall's wedding, pictures started to surface online. Amelia scrolled through twitter and saw one of her and Louis dancing. She saved it to her phone as well as a few of Niall and Marian. There was an adorable one of Maura and Ewan together as well as one of Krissi and Harry looking cozy. Everyone looked so happy. As she was scrolling through, she got a text. She looked at her phone a bit in shock that it was from Tom.

*We need to talk*

She wasn't sure how to respond. She knew they needed to talk. She just wasn't sure what to say.

*yes we do. Want to come home? *

She paced the floor waiting for his reply. It seemed to take forever.

*Are you there now? *



*Fuck you. Yes, I'm alone*

*I'll be there in 10 minutes*

Amelia quickly cleaned up the mess of empty wine bottles and takeout containers. She didn't want Tom knowing how miserable she had been since he had been gone and since her talk with Louis. She was more confused than ever and wasn't sure what she wanted anymore.

"Amelia?" she heard Tom call as he walked in the door.

"In the bedroom! I'll be right out." She yelled as she finished putting her hair up in a messy bun.

"I love when you wear your hair like that" he said from the bedroom doorway, startling her.

"Oh. Um hi." She said shyly. It was weird having him in the house

"Hi. I didn't mean to scare you." He told her not moving from where he was standing.

Amelia walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him. She had missed him despite her mixed feelings. Tom pulled her closer and buried his face in her hair. He murmured something that she couldn't hear. He pulled back first.

"Amelia. I'm sorry I reacted badly to you telling me about Louis. You were right. I should have trusted you more." He said moving to sit on the bed.

Amelia sat down across from him, tucking her legs under herself. She didn't know what to say to that. She wanted to scream and ask him why he left her alone to go sleep with another woman. Instead she stayed quiet.

"Please love, say something." He pleaded.

"I thought you loved me." She whispered.

"I do. God I do love you." He said taking her hand. She pulled it away from him.

"If you loved me you wouldn't have said those terrible things to me. You would have believed me when I said I was just friends with louis and that I was helping him with his issues."

"I know and I'm sorry for that." He replied.

"And you wouldn't have crawled into bed with someone else the same night you left me." She said as tears rolled down her face.

"Amelia. I didn't."

"Bullshit! I saw the picture Tom!" she shouted.

"I swear. Nothing happened. I left here and went to the pub. I had a few drinks. I saw Louis and his girlfriend come in and that's the last thing I remember that night. I woke up the next morning naked in a hotel room with lipstick on my face and a note on the bedside table." She said running his hands through his hair.

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