Case And The Attack

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Erin POV

Hank and Antonio start to set up the board. Luckily, no one is telling us we can't be work partners because of our relationship. Because I, personally, will not take that. They put up two mug shots and I immediately recognize one of them.

"That's Jason Gonzalez." I say and Antonio nods.

"Who's the other guy?" Rusek asks.

"His name is Robert Gonzalez." Hank says and puts up pictures of three women.

"The victims have no connection, which leads me to believe that these are just random attacks. Now Robert and Jason just broke out of prison a week ago, which is when the attacks started." Antonio says.

"But we believe that they are hiding out in an old warehouse up north." Hank finishes.

"Why were we called into this?" Olinsky asks.

"Let me guess, drugs are involved." Atwater says and Antonio nods.

"These two men used to be drug lords of sorts, bad dope." Hank explains and we all nod.

"If they're out we can expect some new drugs to be on the streets." I say and Jay looks at me. Hank does to and frowns.

"Erin, I don't want you working this one." He says and I frown. I know it isn't smart, but I still want to do my job.

"C'mon Voight, you do realize if you sideline me, you sideline Jay too." I say.

"Sorry Halstead, you're out for this case." Voight says and Jay doesn't argue. His nose is still bleeding from earlier. He holds up his hands in surrender and walks back to his desk. I'm mad, but I'm not saying it wasn't a smart move.

"Alright let's go." Hank says and nobody objects. He hugs me real quick.

"I'm sorry, but this is just a little to personal." He whispers. I nod and go to my desk. So Jay and I start the marvelous task of paperwork.

2 Hours Later

The group came back. They didn't find them, which is pretty bad for me.

"Halstead and Erin, come into my office." Hank says and shuts the door.

"Don't get punched again." Antonio says to Jay. I laugh along with everyone else. We both walk into Hank's office.

"Halstead, I need you to let Erin stay at your place." He said. It wasn't a big deal, I had done it a million times. But to hear Voight say that to Jay! Oh my God.

"I need to grab some things." I say, thinking to my medicine I take. I already have extra clothes there, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to grab some more.

"The only reason I'm allowing this is because Robert and Jason are still out there." He says and Jay nods. I've only told Jay and Voight what happened to me. We leave his office and I grab my bag.

"See you guys tomorrow." I say and they all respond to the standard goodnight.

I drive us back to my apartment building and hop out.

"I'll only be a minute." I say to Jay and head into the building and up the stairs. When I get to my door, I open it and grab a duffel bag. I put some medicine and clothes in there and leave. But when I get to the second landing, I see him. It's only Jason, I don't see Robert.

Someone kicks me and I go flying down the staircase. I groan and hold my sides. My ribs are in bad shape. They both stand over me and laugh. That is until I hear shouting coming from below us. They leave but before they do, Jason kicks my head, and everything goes dark.

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