I Have To Get to Her

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I can't believe Erin ripped open my damn shirt! To be honest though, I deserved it. I shouldn't have been so scared, I mean, Voight's like family now. I finally find one of my spare shirts in my locker and shut the door.

"Halstead." I hear a sour voice say from behind me. I turn around and to my great sorrow I find Platt.

"Yes ma'am what can I do for you." I say as politely as possible. I want to stay on Platt's neutral side. I mean, only Erin is on her good side.

"Erin would like me to tell you that she is downstairs talking with Kim." Platt said with a bored expression. I knew that Erin was going to tell Kim first. It was logical.

"Okay thanks for informing me." I say and walk out behind her. That's when I hear the gunshots. A lot of them, and screams. I start toward the staircase.

"Everyone stays up here!" Voight yells. I turn around and see him looking confused. I look to see who's up here. Antonio, Rusek, Olinsky, Atwater, Voight, Platt, and me. No Erin.

"I have to go down there. Erin was with Kim." I say and Voight shakes his head.

"No she'll be okay." He says, but I can hear something in his tone that says otherwise.

"No she won't." I say remembering the one thing we failed to mention to Voight earlier this morning.

"Yes she can take care of herself." Voight defends her.

"She used to be able to." I murmur. She could still, but she risks her baby doing it.

"What do you mean." Voight asks tightly. "Is it her wound, I figured it would be healed by now." He said confused.

"Voight she's pregnant." I blurt out. Everyone's expressions change. Antonio and Rusek smile. Surprisingly, Voight does the same.

"Everyone get down!" A voice yells from below us. A fear washes over me, something different then ever before.

"Kim is too." Adam says and we all look at him.

"If they're down there unable to fight," Voight starts thinking out loud.

"It won't end well." I finish and look down.

"They'll be targeting Erin." Antonio says out of nowhere. My head and Voight's whip around to look at him.

"Why do you say that?" I ask. It dawns on me.

"Because she's a detective, and has the handprint to get into intelligence." Adam says.

"And just the simple fact that she's an agent. Higher leverage to use." Antonio adds on. I look at Voight.

"She won't be okay, I have to get to her." I plead but he simply shakes his head.

"Not through the stairs. Not only will they hear us they'll see us." He says.

"The fire escape." I say and open the window behind Erin's desk. I have no doubt that this is the reason Voight made this her desk.

"Done, we all regroup at the garage." Voight says. We all leave one at a time, in order to not break it. Once we are all down we walk quietly to the garage.

"What's the plan?" Rusek asks as we all sit around a table. I naturally zone out. Voight goes on to talk about point of entries and attack strategies, but I find my mind drifting to Erin.

Is she alright?

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