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We are in the back of the ambo heading to the hospital. Gabby says the major damage was to Erin's head when she got hit on the head with the board. She said the cuts will scar, but were only meant to cause her momentary pain. That made my blood boil.

"Now your face is pretty screwed up. You'll definitely have some scars but other then that I see no major damage." Gabby said whilst assessing my face. Great, I get away with a couple scars and Erin is unconscious with dozens of scars. I hate these stupid statistics.

"So she will be okay?" I ask. Gabby looks up at me from looking at Erin's head. I can see it in her eyes first. Everything is not okay. Something is seriously wrong.

"She might have brain swelling but I don't know for sure. But if she does that could land her in a coma." Gabby says looking back down at Erin. Coma. The word echo's through my head. It should have been me. Gabby puts some needles in Erin along with a tube that goes down her throat and comes back over to me. God, how far away is the damn hospital!

"You might have a broken nose." She says, but I'm not listening. I'm too busy looking at her. The love of my life. Laying half dead in an ambulance.

"We're pulling in!" I hear Brett yell from the front of the ambo. Dawson prepares the stretcher to be rolled to the front of the building. She wanted to get me a wheelchair, but I told her that I'm fine with just walking in and getting checked out. We come to a stop and I quickly open the doors for Gabby.

The whole team is right outside the ambo. Voight, Dawson, Rusek, and I get the stretcher into the building as fast as we can. Gabby trails behind us jogging trying to keep up. She starts telling all of Erin's injuries to a doctor before he steals the stretcher and leaves us in the dust.

"Jay go get checked out, some of those might be serious." Gabby says before leaving to probably go fill out a report on Erin. I need to talk to Voight but I do what she says. Nobody wants to be on Gabby's bad side. I know from experience.

I walk over and I nice nurse gets me into a room. A doctor comes in and tells me to lay down and relax. I do try, but it's hard when your girlfriend is in another room having emergency surgery. Then he sticks something in my arm, and I am out.

My last thought is of Erin. Did she make it?

Important Please Read!!!!!!

Double Update Whoop. Only because I might not upload for like a week. I KNOW I'M SORRY. But I have been writing my butt off trying to get four other stories prepared. The 3rd wave of books is coming out on September 1st so that's four books I have to pre-write. So I'd like to ask that you guys remain patient and positive throughout these next couple of slow weeks.

2nd Announcement
I am coming out with an original story in October. This has been a project I've been working on since July. I have half of the book written and I am currently on my way to finishing it. Why am I completing a book before I even release it? So that way I always have something to give you guys, even when I'm not in the mood to write. So I'll summer long I have been writing groups of like three chapters in a row whenever I'm in the mood, and it is so nice not to be stressed about giving an update every couple days.

3rd Announcement
If you guys didn't already know, I am a ninth grader, so I'm a kid. Well I'd like to consider myself a fourtween year old. Long story short, I want my books to get more reads. So I am going to be doing a little contest. Shoot me an email of a cover for any of the books I have posted so far. Hell, if you want to make me a cover for my new book do it. The Title is Sadness Rules. It's about a teenage girl named Chai who meets a group of people that save her. But she has a secret. Be sure to tell your friends. If you have friends that are a fan of some of the shows and books I write about PLEASE DIRECT THEM HERE. This is by far my most popular book so that's why I'm letting you guys know

Last thing. If you actually read this then I love you to death. No one ever reads the authors notes. So to all who read this, guess what. You get to decide what I write next. Send me suggestions, fanfics I could write, types of books, or even more original stories. WHATEVER YOU WANT! Because I currently have nothing planned yet for the 4th wave.

Thanks and I love all my readers. Stay safe my lovelies ;)

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