Rob's Turn

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Erin POV

"But Rob hasn't had his turn." Jason says and walks out of the room.

"Erin?" Jay asks. I look at his face and try not to cry. His left eye is swollen along with his mouth. His cheeks are only red.

"I'm okay Jay." I say but I'm not sure. My chest is on fire and blood keeps getting in my eye. But I know I'm better than he is.

"Yeah I'm sure you are." He mumbled out. It must be hard to talk with two swollen lips. I don't even know what shape he teeth are in. Two are probably loose.

"You look like hell Jay." I say and he laughs a little.

"You're not to far from it yourself." He says and I am confused. I cannot be as bad as Jay. He looks at the door. I look at him and he mouths something to me. I can't read lips.

Then I hear the door slam on my left. A man smacks me across the face. I guess Rob came in. He leans into my right ear and I think he whispers something. But I can't hear what he says. He leans back looking proud, but I'm just plain confused.

"Did you hear me?" He says and I could only hear in my left ear. Oh my God. Am I deaf in my right ear.

"No." I say but it sounds quiet. He looks at my right ear and smirks. Then he takes a wood board and smacks the right side of my head. Now all I hear is a distant ringing.

"What about now." He says and it sounds much clearer. I don't answer I just glare at him.  "I take your stubborn silence as a yes." He says and now the ringing is louder. I flinch.

"Oh well he says and walks behind me and picks something up. Jay's eye widens since he couldn't widen the other. He shakes his head but I have no idea what's going on. Then something is placed on my arm, and it burns.

I scream and it's lifted. He walks around holding a scorching metal rod. He places it on one of my cuts and I scream louder. He does it to every one of my cuts. Then when I think he is finally done he places it on the cut on my face.

I pass out to Jay's screaming.

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Peace Out (-=)

Devyn <3

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