The Kidnapping

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Erin POV

It's been two weeks since I got out of the hospital. I ended up just living with Jay, Hank got some of my clothes a little while ago. But there have been no signs of the Gonzalez brothers. So until they pop up, Hank and I agreed to just do our jobs and work the cases.

Jay and I were sitting in the car waiting for Hank's permission to go infiltrate the warehouse. It was just the average drug boss hiding. We would go in now but Antonio is undercover and no one wants to risk him getting killed. So we wait until he clears out.

"So how are you holding up?" I hear Jay ask from the drivers seat. I'm still not allowed to drive because of my concussion. Which is just stupid. But Jay has been right not to boast about it. Otherwise I might kill him.

"I'm fine, still wish I was driving." I say and he chuckles slightly. My ribs had almost healed and so has my concussion. I know he is just worried about me but it's starting to get tedious. He looks at me as if he is going to comment then freezes.

"Erin don't move." He says quietly. Normally I'd think he is just messing with me and pretending that there is a big bug in my hair. But I can tell he is scared by his expression.

"Yes Erin don't move." I hear a male voice say out my window. I feel the gun nudge the back of my head. I slowly put my hands up. I see another hooded figure go behind Jay.

"Jay..." I say cautiously. He turns his head slightly but I know he sees the same man behind him. He puts his hand up as well.

Then he hits Jay really hard with the gun, and I see his eyes roll back. I know he is out.

Then I feel a needle enter my neck and everything goes dark.

Voight POV

Antonio exits the warehouse. He is only a little banged up, but not bad enough to go to the hospital.

"Halstead, meet back at the precinct, do you copy?" I say into the radio that is installed into all of our cars. There is only silence.

Antonio looks at me. "They never came in Voight." He says.

"Halstead?" I radio again. But once again there is just silence. Antonio hops in the back and I drive us to where they were positioned. I see their car, but all the doors are open. I run out of the car with Antonio hog on my trail. We start to search the car.

"Hank I got a needle." Antonio says on the passenger side. So that means that at least Erin was drugged.

"Yeah and I got blood on the ground and on the seat." I say back and Antonio looks up. The way it's looking now is that Jay was knocked out and Erin was drugged.

Either way our friends were gone. I had a feeling that this was the Gonzalez brothers.

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Peace out (-=)

Devyn <3

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