End Up Here

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Erin POV

I feel like I'm sinking, but suddenly I'm sucked up to the light. I feel my eyes open to slits, my hand is enclosed in someone else's. I'd open my eyes more, but the bright light makes me flinch.

"Erin?" I hear a voice, but I can't place it. Who cares, I need the light away from me. I groan and try to point up. It must have worked because it is finally moved away out of my face. I open them fully and see Adam standing next to me. I look to my hand and see Kim, not my husband.

"Where's Jay?" I groan. My neck and head are on fire, I might need his brother more than him. 

"Went to get food." Kim says and smiles. I think back to what happened, but all that comes up is news of Kim's pregnancy. My child!

"Is the baby okay?" I ask and Rusek smiles. Jay must have told him, he doesn't look at all surprised. I wonder if he told Voight?

"Yeah you're fine physically, but you took a taser to the neck." He says and Kim looks upset.

"What's up?" I ask her. I hope that she is okay. She drops her hand from mine.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told them." Kim says. I could've laughed at that. 

"You saved my child. Jay and I were talking, we want you two to be the godparents." I said and they both look at me. 

"Seriously?" Kim says and I nod. Rusek just fist bumps the air and I laugh.

"Keep him under control though." I force out, and Kim laughs again. She nods and grips my hand again. It's presence is more then welcome. Kim became my best friend, especially since Nadia.

"I am well under control." Adam yells and the door opens, and in comes Jay and Voight. They both look so confused. 

"You've never been in control." Jay mutters, but loud enough so Adam could hear. Voight walks over and places his hand on my shoulder.

"How you feeling kiddo?" He asks, his deep voice contrasting all the others around me.

"Fine, a really bad headache, but at least I'm alive right?" I say, only Voight is listening though. Jay and Adam are arguing and Kim is trying to break it up. 

"You always end up here don't you." He said sadly. 

"But I'm always okay in the end." I say with a more positive tone. He nods but I know he blames himself. The door opens once again and Will enters the room with a clipboard.

"We could get you a permanent room?" Will jokes but only I laugh. Will bites his lip nervously. 

"Not the time bro." Jay says and I roll my eyes.

"You all need to chill out, I'm okay." I say and Jay looks at me. But he barely holds eye contact. Something is off.

"Well you can leave at anytime. Take some Advil, I know you have a headache." He said and walked out of the hospital room.

"Alright everyone leave I need to change. Jay stay." I say and everyone leaves. Voight looks weirdly between us.

"Don't try anything." He says and I roll my eyes again.

"Hank we're married and I'm pregnant." I say standing up. Voight just leaves the room.

"Do you need help?" Jay asks, but I know he's avoiding. I cross my arms. He looks at me then turns to grab my clothes. 

"Jay, why are you avoiding me." I say. He doesn't turn, but I see his shoulders drop. 

"If I had shot him before, you wouldn't be here." Jay said and finally turned to me. I unshed tears in his eyes. 

"According to regulations I would." I say shrugging. This finally makes him smile a little. I walk over and hug him. "It isn't your fault." I say and rub his back.

"I love you so much Erin." He says.

"I love you too. Jay?" I have to tell him. He needs to know.

"What's wrong?" He says looking at my face.

"Those guys were sent by the Gonzalez brothers." I say. His face falls and he runs to the door.

"We got a problem Voight." 

We're coming to the end folks! Stay tuned!!!! Please vote if you enjoyed!

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