The car ride

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Erin's POV

It was just another cold and snowy day in Chicago. I am in my car waiting for Jay to get in the damn car. Luckily I had my heater turned up to max and was toasty warm. He runs out of his house and throws his jacket on.

"Hey Erin." He said sitting in the car. I gave him a look that he finally noticed. "What did I do?" He said defensively.

"We're going to be late!" I said still not moving the car until he apologized.

"We might be on time if you would just drive the damn car, or better yet, let me drive." He said and smiled hopefully. He crossed over the line. I always drive no matter what. I face the windshield and force myself into a blank expression.

The entire ride Jay keeps trying to make conversation but it's pointless. I'm giving him the silent treatment until he apologizes. Finally he gave up trying and just looked out the window.

When we arrive, I park my car and get out into the snowy weather. I don't mind the cold, but I hate snow storms.

"Erin wait," Jay catches up with me, "Can I ask why you're mad at me?" He said trying to get me to look at him.

"Halstead, you guys have a case!" Platt yells and I head up. I can hear Jay behind me muttering something about how it's always him. Probably talking about Platts yelling. She just loves me.

I scan my hand and head up to the office. Once I get in there I go straight to my desk, still ignoring Jay's frantic calls.

Suddenly, Voight's door opens and everyone carries on as usual.

"Jay my office please." Voight says and I smirk. Jay is gonna get his ass kicked by my dad.

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