It's Not the End, Just the Beginning.

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The plan was simple enough. We used sonar to determine how many men they had, and it wasn't a lot. But we also saw that the men already realized who Erin was.

"Wait that's the plan?" Atwater says. I would chuckle on a normal day, but now is not the time.

"Yes, the plan is to go in there and shoot anyone who's standing." Voight says. I like this plan a whole lot. I can't bear the idea of losing my wife on a normal day, but now I'm at risk of losing so much more.

We get up to the building and Rusek and Olinsky break down the door. Voight and I go in first and take down two up front.

"Stay down." Voight yells to them, and thankfully, most listen. But it looks like most of them are unarmed. Erin is too. But she isn't in here. Crap, they must've moved her after we left.

I see a little guy run back and I see Voight about to shoot, then I stop him. I nod my head and Voight seems to get it. He's probably running back to alert whoever to get out of there. I quickly follow the path and see only one door. The locker room.

"On the ground now." I say when I see the two men. I barely see Erin, she's twitching on the ground.

"Drop your weapon agent, a little birdy told me that she's carrying your child." The man says. I hear a thick accent in his voice. He puts a gun up to her head, and the other guy doesn't know what to do.

When I don't drop my weapon after a minute he jams a Taser into Erin's neck. I pull the trigger and put a bullet it the mans head. He deserves it. Voight comes in and I shove the kid towards him. I run over to Erin and quickly uncuff her from her spot on the floor.

"How is she?" Rusek asks and I see Kim right behind him. He has his arm around her, at least Kim is unharmed.

"She passed out." I say picking her up and running her out of the building. I see Gabby waiting for me with a gurney. Dawson must've called his sister when I went after Erin.

"Put her here." Gabby said and I placed Erin in the back of the ambo. Gabby puts the breath thingy, mask over her face.

"Do you know what happened?" Gabby asks while she's, well I assume she is taking her vitals.

"She was tasered in her neck, that's all I know." I say while trying to keep my composure. Once again she's in the hospital. The last time we were here she found out she was pregnant. The baby!

"Gabby she's pregnant!" I remembered. Gabby looks at me then at Erin.

"Step on it Silvie." She says to her friend who's driving the ambo. She puts the goo on Erin's stomach and I am just praying to any god who's out there.

"Is it okay?" I ask and Gabby looks at me.

"I'm just getting it ready for the doctors, I don't have a machine in here." Gabby said rubbing her own stomach.

"Gabby, anything you want to share." I say smirking. I nod to her hand on her stomach and she quickly removes it.

"I found out last night okay. Matt doesn't even know yet." She said whispering.

"Wow, you, Erin, and Kim all at the same time." I say then realize I just told her about Kim.

"I know, I didn't hear it from you. Besides there is another person too." Gabby says waving her hand. Finally we pull up to Chicago MED. I see my brother run out with a nurse right behind him. They wheel her into a room and the nurse puts the machine on her stomach.

"I have a heartbeat, the baby is okay." She says wiping off Erin's stomach and Will runs the table into a regular room.

"Will is she going to be okay?" I ask and my brother looks at me and smiles.

"Yeah, I think she has been through worse." He says and I nod.

"What can we do?" I ask taking her hand in mine.

"I already put an IV in, now you just have to wait till she wakes up." Will said smiling a little.

I grab a chair and pull it up to her bed, never letting go of her hand.

She'll be okay.

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