Chapter 1

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Albus POV:
Mum and dad were going to be out late tonight on the anniversary of the war, which students of Hogwarts were allowed to go home for since a celebration for parents was held at Hogwarts, so Teddy and Victoire get to watch over all of us. Fred II, Roxanne, and James were messing around and trying to break in dad's study since he wasn't supposed to. Since the war wizards have been using muggle devices and reading muggle books. It was weird since somehow dad's story became a franchise.Louis, Lucy, Dominique, and Lily were playing Exploding Snap. Everyone else was watching TV.

"James," Fred yelled when he came downstairs with James and Roxanne, "you need to put that back it's dangerous."

"No," James began before Teddy took the thing from James. James had a necklace with what looked like a small hourglass on it. "Teddy give it back!"

"James do yo-" Teddy began before James tackled him on the floor. The next thing I know is Fred yelled dogpile on Teddy and everyone jumped on him including me. The next thing I know the thing breaks after it transports us to a place I haven't been before.


James POV:

"JAMES ARE YOU BLOODY INSANE!" Teddy shouted at me, I noticed we teleported to a place I visited when Lily and Albus were little. It was number 12 Grimmuald Place.

A man walked up. He had longer hair than most man which was curly and brown. He also had a mustache. "Who are you?" the man said pointing his wand, "and how did you get into my house?"

Teddy knew where we were and answeres saying, "What is today's date?"

"July 31,1994," the man said, "why are you dumb?"

"JAMES," Rose shouted knowing what happened, "you slick git, you broke a timeturner and just happened to bring us here!"

"What's going on Sirius?"asked a man who has dirty blonde hair, "I- What are kids doing up here?"

"Well...we're from the future," Teddy said, "maybe is would be best to go downstairs?"


Teddy's POV:

So we went downstairs with the two man which I recognize from old photos.

"Who are you," asked the man who asked us before in the attic.

"We're from the future. 2019 to be exact and well..." I started before Albus interrupted.

"Okay so my slick git of a brother, James, broke into my dad's office while my godbrother and oldest cousin were babysitting all of us. Next thing we knew we were here."

A women with bubblegum pink hair, the second man, Molly I, Arthur, George, Ron, Hermione, and a person I assumed was Fred came in.

"Okay, maybe we should introduce ourselves," Albus said.

"Right, we say our age, parents, and house," I said, "I'll start. My name is Edward Lupin, but everyone calls me Teddy, I am 19 and my mum and dad a-a-ar-ar-" I stuttered unt il James shouted.


"Yea James I know," I said looking at my mum and dad, "I was a Hufflepuff at Hogwarts now DADA teacher. I am half wolf but don't transform unless I don't eat chocolate in a while."

"Oh wow," Remus said looking at Teddy, "atleast I know you won't transform every month."

"I also can..." I said before turning my hair bubblegum pink like my mum's hair.


"Okay," James said, "I am the one and only James Sirius Potter, oldest kid of Harry and Ginny Potter, 15 years old, bloody brilliant, and a Gryffindor."

"HARRY YOU BETTER TREAT GINNY RIGHT" Ron shouted. All the Weasley brothers death stares Harry and Ginny was blushing.

"James if you were bloody brilliant you wouldn't have caused us to be here," stated Albus, "Also I am Albus Severus Potter, the middle child of the Potter family, 13, and a Slytherin."

"I'm next," Lily said, "to round off the Potter Trio I am Lily Luna Potter. Youngest Potter and the only daughter of Harry and Ginny Potter. I am 11 years old,I should be starting Hogwarts this year, and I am also the best Potter kid."

"Okay, I am Victoire Weasley, daughter of Bill and Fleur Weasley, 18,was a Hufflepuff."

"Dang, Bill got a girl." Fred muttered, "good for him I guess."

"I am Dominique Weasley, Victoire's sister,
16, and a Ravenclaw. "

"I'm Louis the youngest child of Bill and Fleur, 14, Hufflepuff."

"I'm Molly Weasley II, Daughter of Percy and Audrey Weasley, 14, Gryffindor."

"Did you just say Percy as Percy the Prat?" George asked seeming hopeful for something.

"Yea, he's my dad and he accepts his humble origins in the future," Molly said. Than grandma Weasley burst into tears hugging Grandpa Arthur.

"Lucy Weasley, Molly's sister, 12, Slytherin"

"Fred Weasley II, 15, Gryffindor, George and Angelina Weasley's son."

"You took my girlfriend," Fred said to George knowing that it wasn't the best scenario. If we could explain it all I think it'd make way more sense to them.

"Umm, not yet exactly,"James said, "your my rolemodel. Does that count for anything?"

"Do I have a kid?" Fred asked. I think he already knew the answer "oh" he muttered. After a long period of silence we continued.

"Roxanne Weasley, Fred's twin sister, Gryffindor."

"Bloody hell I have twins," George said.

"With Angelina," Ron pointed out.

"Rose Weasley, 13, Gryffindor," She paused going up to Hermione, "hi mum."

Hermione fainted right after she heard mum. This wasn't what I though would happen but it did.

"Hugo Weasley, 11, same thing as Lily."

"Wait who's your dad?" Fred said, "it's either Charlie or Ron."

Hugo went up to Ron, "Hi dad" as he said that Ron fainted


Edit:Hey so I edited the first chapter and put in more reactions to make it more intresting.


Author's note
Hey so this going to be a new series and I hope you like it. Idk how long this will be but it won't just be a few chapters.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters jusy the plot because 1. I wouldn't be on Wattpad 2. I wouldn't have a Disclaimer 3. I would be famous and finally 4. I am not JK Rowling.

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