Chapter 6

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Sirius POV:

After Malfoy said what we said I told him to shove off,he left saying I'd end up with Andi.

Lily sat down and Snape left.We talked for a while and explained the different blood types.Than Andi came in.

"Hey Sirius and whoever is with Sirius,"Andi began,"We'll be at Hogwarts soon.Also Sirius you will be surprised who the DADA professor is."

"Why?Is it my mum,"I asked.

"You'll see the family owled me that if I was good with the professor I'd be brought back.My younger twin sisters,Bella and Cissy,start this year too."Andi began,"Also I know I'm a fifth year and Lucius is a seventh but be careful no matter what."

"Okay Andi,"I said before leaving to go get changed.


Hugo POV:

We all decided to sit in a compartment together.James was comfort Roxie. Dominique didn't have to comfort anyone.I was looking out the window.I was going to be sorted for the second time.Neat I guess.

Than a women,looked like Teddy a bit but younger and a girl. "Hello,I'm Andromeda Black,Hufflepuff Prefect(Some say she was a Slytherin but in here I feel she'd be a Hufflepuff),and a fifth year.We're close to Hogwarts."

We all changed and reached Hogwarts soon.It looked weird since we were used to so much different things. McGonagall was about 50 now.She looked no different but had a smile.The first years went on a boat with Hagrid and we managed to get across safely.I saw the marauders and they went up to me.

"Hi,"said one of them who I assumed was James,"I'm James Potter,we saw you earlier but I didn't really see you."

"Okay,It's nice to meet you."I said.



Sirius POV:

I saw them right after I entered.It.Was.Uncle.Alphie.and.Mum

"Hello students welcome to Hogwarts.I am Professor Dumbledore.This years Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor is Professor Alfred Black.He will be also be assisted by Professor Walburga Black." They both stood.

We all ate and the Malfoys,Blacks-disowned and owned-,and Prewetts were held back,which left Molly,Gideon,Fabian,a girl named Alice(Yes Neville's mum and my sources say she's a fricking Prewett),Lucius,Bella,Cissa,Andi,and I.

"Sit,"Mum said,"Lucius,Bella,and Cissa leave."They left without question,"Now Gideon,Fabian,and Molly out of my sight."They left,"Okay now Dormenda,Sirius,and Alice.You three will be taking private lessons with me every night 8 PM sharp. Now go to your common rooms. And Dormenda this is the only way back into our family."


Hey guys. I have writers block right now so here is the next chapter. You guys will most likely get another this Friday.

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