Chapter 13

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James POV:

I was on the train and saw a boy who had green eyes, brown hair, and a fimiliaur voice. Than I remembered everything but capture from my family again.

I was taken to a dark place. It had no windows and chains on the wall. I saw Lily put into the chains crying and I tried to talk to her but I couldn't get a voice out. A Silence charm was on us.

Than when I tried to stand up a jolt of electricity went through my body and I realized was chained aswell.

"No," I wisphered, "no this is all my fault."

I started to cry. When I heard a cackling voice.

"Well well well," a high pitched voice said, "the eldest and youngest of the boy who lived."

"What do you want?" I tried to yell at her but no sound I think only I can hear myself.

"Aunt Bellatrix we shouldn't torture them." Said a voice pleaing. It was Scorpius' dad.

"Why is that?" Bellatrix snapped, "maybe than we can purify blood status."

"They are strong. You can't do it to them. Since you've been back Scorpius hasn't been the same. Don't you realize he is my son. You can't kill his best friend's siblings." Draco defended.

"Well I won't kill them," She spat taking out a wand pointing at Lily.

"Crucio," She said. Lily began look like she was screaming in pain.

"NO," I yelled, "NOT LILY. NOT MY SISTER."

She heard me, "I see the charm wore off on you boy. Your sister and you deserve to die but I can't let that happen boy. My Lord won't allow it."

"Please," I said, "leave Lily out of this."

"Let me think about it," She said getting out a dagger taking my arm, "I will let her be but you'll pay with a scar forever."

"Please do it I want to let Lily stay safe." I said.

"James don't," I heard Lily yelled.

"Lily I need to protect you. This is all my fault." I yelled.

"Draco put the girl in he cellar," Bellatrix told Draco.

He nodded taking Lily out of it. She took my forearm and used the dagger spelling Blood Traitor on my arm. I yelled and screamed. When she stopped I had a scar. Finally being thrown in the cellar with Lily.

"Lily," I yelled at her, going to hug her, "your safe."

"James are you okay?" She asked me hugging me back, "I heard you yelling."

"I'm fine Lily. I'm so sorry you got put in this mess." I told her.

After a long hug we sat down and talked before she saw my cut.

"James your arm," She said looking at it.

"Lily it isn't bad." I tried to reassure her, "the cuts aren't that bad. I just didn't need my little sister hurt."

She had her jacket on that was white and a soft silk. She ripped of one of the sleeves covering it on the cuts.

"Lily how did you know to do that?" I asked her.

"Well Vic is training to be the next healer at Hogwarts.I saw how she made makeshift bandages." Lily explained.

"Thank you Lily," I told her hugging her.

I knew everything will be okay for now.


Hey guys this is the end of it no epilogue since book 2 of it will be out maybe next week. It will be in Teddy's POV and it takes place a month after the events of the last chapter. It will be called, Reunited,Home Again, or Always. That will be decided after I write the first chapter along with a cover. I'll see you soon.

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