Chapter 7

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A/N: This chapter is going to following the people in the present. Read on Demigods, Muggles, Witches, and Wizards.


Fred II POV:

It's been over a month since we woke up back in our time and some of us are still missing. We only altered one thing in the future Tonks, Remus, and Sirius are alive. Apparently after we left, since the golden trio knew Sirius was okay cause we asked Remus to feed Buckbeak for a while.

The kids that went to school came back later tonight. I than remembered something.

"Uncles Harry!" I yelled, "Uncle Harry."

"Yes Fred?" He asked annoyed.

"I think I know how we can comminucate with James. His watch," I said.

Harry got up, "was it the watch that had the mirror?"

"Yea, Uncle Harry."

Harry got a peice of glass and tapped his wand saying "James Sirius."

After a few seconds James answered us, "DAD"

"JAMES, Are you okay?" Uncle Harry asked.

"Yea, It's Christmas Break over here. We're at Grimmuald Place in 1971. Teddy has found a date we can use a spell to get back." He explained

"That's wonderful, brilliant actually."Uncle Harry paused for a minute, "James is Roxanne by you?"

"I'm next to him Uncle Harry," Roxanne said.

"Here Fred," Uncle Harry gave me the glass.

"FREDDIE" They yelled in usion.

"Roxie your okay." I said happily, "I miss you guys. Look some people went to finish up at Hogwarts but most of us are here." I said trying to find Albus.

"Lucky Freddie," James said.

"Well Jamsie we've lost you in time."

Just than something happened. Teddy was infront of me out of nowhere.

"James, is Teddy with you?" I asked.

"Y-No" James answered. I pointed the mirror towards a sleeping Teddy.

"I got to go," I said tapping it with my wand going to get Aunt Ginny.

When I found her I was out of breath, "Teddy is here," sounded more like, "Teddy Bear"

"Freddie are you okay?" She asked me worried.

"Follow me."

I lead her to Teddy who happened to be join by a sleeping Victoire, Molly,James Charlus, Lily-but those two looked the age of 15-, and Roxanne.

"What the? Everyone but James" Ginny realized.

Everyone woke up from our time. Aunt Ginny called everyone over. Dominique and Louis hugged their sister to death, while mum was telling Roxie what she told me.

"Wait who's the girl with James?" Lily II said.

"I don't know Lils." A voice said behind her. It was fimiliaur.


"Excuse me, but did you say James Sirius." Asked the 15 year old girl.

"Yes that is his name," I said.

"No, my name is James Charulus Potter." James said. Fudge. We. Got. The. Wrong. James.

"Grandpa?" Little Lilykins said, "but if your my grandpa, than that means," She turned toward to girl, "your my grandma."

"It's impossible," Uncle Harry began, "my mum and dad died."

"Wait, you called me grandma as in I marry Potter, by the way I am Lily." Said the 15 year old.

"If it's really you, than you can tell me, what position do you play in quidditch." Harry said weery.

"Chaser, but sometimes I fill in for seeker." James answered.

"DAD," Harry said hugging him.

"Who are you?"

"Harry Potter, son of James C. Potter and Lily Marie Potter née Evans."

"Guys, if this James is here where is our James," Roxie and I said.


Hey guys! Okay so Lily Luna will now on be called Little Lilykins in Fred, Roxie, and James POVs. Otherwise she'd be LLP.

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