Chapter 4

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Teddy POV:

So we just told everyone our actual names and than Dumbledore said we could floo to 12 Grimmuald place. The Time-turner still was broken but we wanted to leave for now. So did the golden trio, Fred, George,and Ginny. So we don't have a timeturner but I think I found a book with a spell that could help us.

"It says here," Vic began, "if we ALL do this we could get back home. It is also more powerful on full moons. The next full moon is tomorrow."

"What about the timeturner?" James asked.

"Dumbledore said it was broken beyond repair." I said firmly, "this is our only chance."

"So," dad began, "will we see you again?"

"We don't know, but I went to the ministry with Vic last weekend and destroyed the phropecy. Harry whatever you do don't go to the ministry. Sirius will NOT be tortured." I said.

Mum, dad, uncle Sirius (he really isn't my uncle he just asked me to call him uncle) were there. We decided to no go back to school. It was late at night when we decided to Sleep.

When I woke up the next day it was to Walburga Black slapping me. We were in the living room. James, Roxanne, Dominique, Molly,and Hugo were with me (NOTE:In here idk if Molly's mom blood. status or anything. So I'm going to say she is a pureblood. Everyone else but Dom is half-blood. Dominique is half human)


"Huh," James asked, "what is today's date."

"Idiot it is June 10th 1771." She spat

Two young boys. One looked 11 the other looked 9 came in. I recognized Sirius.


"We did nothing. But where is Al, Lily, Louis, Vic, Freddie, Rosie, Lucy, and everyone else?" James asked worried.

"WHO are you?" Walburga spat again the boys looked very worried.

"Um. How do I explain this," I began, "we timetraveled.I'm Edward but everyone calls me Teddy or Ted because my grandpa."

I than saw a younger verison of grandma coming in. She looks like mum.

"Who are they?" Grandma asked.

"AGAIN WE BLOODY TIMETRAVELED and we have no idea how to get home." James said.

"What year did you timetravel from?" The younger boy asked.

"Originally 2019. Than we went to 1995. Now we're here but half of us are missing."


Sirius' POV:

A bunch of kids of all ages showed up in our living room. Mum seemed to be furious.

"What are your blood statuses?" Mum asked reluctantly.

"Uh right I'm a Halfblood." Said the oldest looking. He had Blue hair, "your actually apart of my family."

"Your a Black?" questioned mum.

"A Lupin. My grandma is a disowned Black.One of Sirius and Regulus' cousins."

"Makes sense." She said.

"Uh I'm half Veela," said the hottest looking girl, "my dad is a pureblood though."

"Atta girl. Must he hard to find a man I presume." mum said trying to embarass her.

"Uh," the next oldest one said, "pureblood."

"Another pure." mother said.

"Hi, I'm the bloody brilliant one and only James Sirius, not going to say my last name, I'm halfblood."

"Hi, I'm a halfblood aswell." The next said.

"I'm also a halfblood." the youngest said.

"Names?" I asked.

"Uh, Dominique." Said the Veela.

"Molly," said the next firmly.

"James Sirius."

"Roxanne. Everyone calls me Roxie though."



Fred II's POV:

We woke up in the living room of the Potters. Aunt Ginny poured water on us and we woke up. Something was wrong. James, Roxie, Dominique, Teddy, Hugo, and Molly were missing.

"Where is James?" I asked worried, "why isn't he here with us. Neither is Roxie."

"Yeah," Albus said, "where are they."

"HARRY WAKE UP." Aunt Ginny yelled. Uncle Harry came downstairs after 5 minutes.

"DADDY," Lily yelled as she went to hug uncle Harry. Daddy's girl much, "you have no idea how much I've missed you."

"Well Lily, we aren't a full family of Potters without Jam-" Uncle Harry started, "where is James?"

"We don't know." I said, "same thing as Teddy, Roxie, Dom, Hugo, and Molly."

After about 100 phonecalls all of the family was there along with Neville, Hannah, Alice (there daughter who likes James), Scorpius, and Mr. Malfoy came.

"What's wrong Harry?" Mrs.Longbottom asked, "I got your call and got Neville right away."

Rosie was hugging Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermione. Mum and dad tried to comfort me since my twin sister and best friend were missing. Lucy was hugging her mum while Uncle Percy was worrying about Molly. Uncle Bill had to comformt Aunt Fleur since Dominique was missing. Louis and Vic were comforting each other. Uncle Charlie was trying to help keep Aunt Ginny calm.

"Mum, Roxie and Jamsie are missing." I began to cry, "I'm nothing without my twin. Just half a soul."

"Hey, let me tell you a little story Fred," mum paused taking a deep breath, "once there was a set of twins who loved to prank and were friends with another prankster, and three chasers. One day there was a battle. One twin survived the war but was never the same. He lost part of him, for months he was devastated. Getting support from his family and his best friends."

"But, I haven't just lost Roxie I lost my best friend and favorite cousin."

"Freddie sweetie. We'll find them." Mum said. I stopped crying. McGonagall came in. Apparently it was only May 4th. We. Still. Have. Bloody. School.

"Attention," McGonagall said, "I know this affects all of you since about half of you went missing. However some of you need to return. Victoire you must finish your NEWTS. Now everyone else has a choice. They can take exams at the ministry OR come back and finish year commonly."

Lily,Rose, and Louis decided to join Victoire and left to Hogwarts. (AN:They don't get back in the story until the End of Term and they come back in June.)

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