Chapter 5

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James Charulus Potter (yep him it's a timeskip to Platform 9 3/4) POV:

Today I woke up at 6:00 AM like usual but when I went to cross off the day until school starts I realized today I got to go. Getting to Hogwarts involved going to a muggle train station to get to a wizard platform. After showering I but on a button up shirt and a muggle sleeveless jumper, also called a vest. I on a pair of trousers 'cause why not.

I went downstairs next to eat breakfast that Wikey, our house elf cooked. Mum and dad were downstairs aswell. Dad was reading the Daily Prophet. Mum was serving me breakfast.

"Morning Mum, dad." I said.

"Hello James," mum said, "we'll be leaving for the platform at 9:00 it's a half hour drive and if we get there early enough you can make friends with people."

We went to the platforms in the muggle side of Kingscross. Other kids, mainly muggleborns some halfbloods and purebloods, were there. Mum had a special job at the ministry. Every year the muggle raised witches and wizards in their first year met up with her and went onto Plaform 9 3/4. I noticed one boy, wearing a green jumper, had been quiet the whole time (Wanna guess who???). One girl looked like mum. She had firery red hair, emerald green eyes, and some freckles (If you can't guess who this is than your not a true Harry Potter fan or the Bakeyy). Another boy was slightly thin. She had freckles and blonde hair. The next boy has greasy black hair and was pale. The last person in the group half a scar on his face, he seemed shy, he had brown hair and was looking at the ground and all.

"Hello I am Euphemia Potter. This is my son, James. Anyway can I ask you what your names are so I can help you a bit."

"I'm Lily Evans," the girl said. Lily, what a beautiful name.

"Severus Snape," said the boy with greasy hair. Severus Snape sounds like Snivellus Snake. HA.

"R-r-r-remus Lupin," stuttered the boy with brown hair. He seems pretty neat I guess.

I hear the boy in the green jumper mumble, "Sirius Black." I have a member of the most ancient and noble house of Black in my year. Okay...

"Hugo Wilson," a redhead with freckles said.

"James Praves." said another. He looked a bit like me but with a more brown hair. He looked atleast if he were a fifth year.

"Molly Wilson," said a girl. Looked a year younger than James.Reminded me of a distant family memeber Molly Prewett.

"Roxanne Wilson," another girl who looked hispanic said. She. Was. Beauitful.

"Dominique Wilson," the oldest looking one said. She. Was. Even. More. Beautiful.

"Peter Pettigrew," said the last person happily.

We than went to the platform which was intresting. Remus and Snivellus went in first. Followed by Peter and that Black. Lily went in with Mum after me. The platform was huge. We immeaditly went onto the train. That Black saw a Hufflepuff. I don't know why but she came up and hugged him.

"Sirius," She said worry, "I don't have much time. Uncle Alfie says good luck."

Black smiled, "How is he Andi?"

"Not good. We can't go to the family, but I'll support you no matter what house you get.Goodbye Sirius. " The girl said.

I was behind Black when he turned around to get into a compartment after the encounter.

"P-James, how much did you see?" Black asked me.

"The whole thing. I won't tell anyone, but who was she?" I asked walking into an empty compartment.

"My cousin,Andromeda? Her and Uncle Alphie got disowned because, like me, they dislike many of the Black Values." He explained, "Mum always threatened to disown me and send me to live Andi and Uncle Alphie."

"Wow that's harsh."

Than that boy named Remus came up.I think he heard everything. "Uhmm. Can I sit here?"

"Yea sure," I said. He came in and sat by one of the windows. Than Peter came and he sat down with us. Than Snivellus and Lily came.

"Hey Sirius. Can Lily and I sit here?" He asked.

"Well, as you know any Black caught hanging out with gits who got blasted off the family tree, will be blasted off. Sorry mate. Lily can sit here." Sirius said. He. Needs. More. Help. In. Manners. Than. I. Thought.

"Thanks I guess but Severus and I are friends." Lily said.

Just than Lucius came by, "Sirius. I see your with some Half-breeds, a mudblood, and blood traitor Potter." I snapped right when he said said mudblood because he was pointing to Lily.

"Hi Lucius, my cousin." Snivellus said.

Malfoy pretended to not know Snivellus. It was funny:

Lucius:Who are you?
Snivellus:Elieen Prince's Son.
Lucius:Who is that?
Me: Hahaha


"Well Potter I could because that is what she is."

Lily seemed confused. "What is that?" Lily asked.


Fred II's POV:

Well, I just finish the OWLS at the ministry. It. Sucked. After the OWLS I went home for a little while. Roxanne was taking her OWLS after me so I was SOO bored. After that we hung out before dinner.


HEY GUYS. Sorry it's taken me a little while to make this. I have been in Back-to-school mode and than actually at school. Anyway so for every book that I find Popluar (this, Lost Power, etc.) Will get weekly updates on different days. Lost Power will Get Updates on Saturday, This every Friday (not this one I am updating early), and Marauders and the Second Generation is going to be getting more aswell.

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