Chapter 11

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James Sirius POV:

After the moon cycle we took Ted to St. Mungos for the checkup since he transformed. They said it's best he stayed for a day since he had more scars. I may have bit him once or twice.

After we went home I yelled to uncle Fred, "Oi, UNCLE FRED I GOT AN IDEA!" I shouted out.

"OKAY JAMESIE." Uncle Fred said.

"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER YOUR OWLS CAME IN." Mum shouted at me. I took my OWLS right after I came back.

"COMING MUM," I shouted at her going to the kitchen. When I got there she gave me the letter. I opened it to find this:

Dear Mr. J. Potter,
Your O.W.L have came in. As you know passing grades are O (outstanding), E (Exceeds Expectations), and A (Acceptable). You also know the failing grades are P (Poor), D (dreadful), and T (troll).
Herbology: E
Astronomy: A
Divination: D
Care of Magical Creatures: O

I read over the letter twice. Before realizing I did bloody brilliant. "Mum," I began, "I got three O's, Two E's, one A, and one D." I told her.

"James I knew you'd do well," Mum told me as she my letter to confirm it.

"Roxie what did you get?"

"All Os except Ancient Runes. I got an A there." She told me.

"What about you Freddie?" I asked.

"3 Os in Divination, Astronomy, and Herbology, Es on everything else but Care of Magical Creatures." He said.

"Well good job children," said a voice I didn't regconize, "too bad some of you will be discountinuing your years at Hogwarts.. oblivate," The voice said. He took Freddie, Lily, Dom, Hugo, and I.

————Timeskippy to Hogwarts————

Albus POV:

I LOVE being an only child and all but I feel like I'm not an only child. It's my 4th year at Hogwarts and I just boarded the train with my cousins Rose, Molly, Louis, Lucy, and my friend Scorpius.

"Hey guys," Molly said, "I can't believe that most of us are leaving Hogwarts soon."

"Same," I said before zoning out. I thought about what could be missing until Louis yelled at me.

"Albus!" He said, "what are you thinking about?"

"I don't know actually," I began, "something seems off."

"Well maybe you'll figure it out eventually Al."Rose told me.

"I don't understand it though," I admitted, "don't you think it's weird that our family is so big yet so small?"

"What do you mean?" Lucy asked.

"I mean that why is our family so small. I mean we all have 6 aunts and none of us question how some of us are just single children."

"Albus it doesn't matter," said Scorpius before he muttered something I barely heard, "they... exist... differently... sorry"


Okay so here's what happened cuz it was confusing. So Voldemort sent in someone (unnamed for now) to Oblivate everyone in the Weasley/Potter Clan. He took a few and modified them to be transfer students who actually learned at home. They start this year and Scorpius tried to tell Albus "They are gone for good. They exist in different lives. Sorry mate"
AND I thought you'd like to know what he truely said.

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