Chaper 9

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Hey muggles, demigods, witches, and wizards so here's the deal. This is 1 week after James got back.Now, you are going to love this. I hope it to be like 20 chapters and they might be a bit less in the chapters.


James Charulus POV:

It's been a Week since the other James came back. Evans and I haven't a way back nor going to Hogwarts. Instead we'll be learning at my son,it's so weird to call him that,house while his children go.

From what I know my namesake is in his sixth year, Evans namesake is in her 2nd year, and Albus Snivellus is in his 4th year.

The past few weeks have just been a prank war between the marauders and the 'golden' marauders, what my namesake, Fred, and Roxanne call themselves.

Then someone came in,knocked out everyone and kidnapped two people. Harry and Albus Snivellus. This was bad.


Quick A/N:the reason it's Albus is because why not. Him and Harry don't get along well and I thought this would be WAY more intresting.


Albus POV (It took a while):

A week after James came back we thought everything was normal but it wasn't. This morning mysterious man came in our house and disarmed everyone. They knocked everyone out and took them to different places if they got tied up. Dad and I were tied up aswell as Scorpius,Grandma, Fred, and Louis.

We we're taken to Malfoy Manor, which looks more grim than usual. No wonder Scorp's been staying over. We we're taking to the sitting room when we we're tied up to chairs. They untied us and chained us on the chairs.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my great nephew." Said a cackling voice. None of us but Grandma and dad knew who it was.

"Bellatrix, I see you haven't died." Dad mumbled.

"I have tricks up my sleeve, boy. Like killing a sole to bring back my Lord." She cackled again taking her wand out pointing to Scorpius, "boy. You have an option. Either join the death eaters or else."

"I'd rather be crucioed like Alice and Frank Longbottom than join you," Scorp spat. No wonder Rose and my little sis like him.

"Very well boy, crucio" Bellatrix said pointing at me. Suddenly jolts of extreme pain entered my body torturing me.

I was screaming and crying until I heard Scorp say, "STOP. I'll join you just don't hurt my friends."

In minutes Scorpius was unchained and given his wand back.

"Now boy this is what you should do." Bellatrix began looking at Louis, "point your wand at him," she said signalling to Louis, "and crucio him until he goes insane."

Scorpius nodded, "Sorry Louis. Crucio" he'd use it on Louis.

Louis was being tortured infront of us worse than anything that's ever happened before. He was crying. It was lifted after thirty minutes of Scorpius crying.

"Scorpius you're better than this," Dad said, "fight what Bellatrix is saying."

"Quiet, silencio," Bellatrix used it on dad, "now Scorpius take them to the cellar. Leave the girl and Harry here."

Louis, Fred, and I we're thrown into the cellar where 3 small cots laid with a pillow for each.

"Now what?" I said, "we're stuck here while grandma and dad are upstairs."

"First I think we need to get out of here." Fred said rummaging in a bag before finding a potion, "Roxie has my bag by mistake. Hers has prank stuff and potions."

Fred took a small cup out aswell pouring the potion in, giving it to Louis, who almost lost his sanity.

After an hour grandma joined us.

"Albus, your dad is upstairs at a death eater meeting. In a cage standing up. I don't know anymore than that other than Scorpius now has a dark mark aswell as a new life. I heard they plan to keep us as servants," grandma explained thoroughly.

"No, no no no no. This can't be happening," I began to cry before realizing something.


Teddy POV:

After waking up we realize Harry, Lily Evans, Fred, Louis, and Albus we're gone.

"Holy shit," James said, "what happened this time?"

"Language James Sirius and I don't know," Ginny said.

"Are you bloody kidding me. I just got Freddie back and now he's bloody gone again," Roxanne said about to cry. It was true. Roxanne was always close to Fred, them being twins made them inseparable and they hated being without each other.

"Louis is gone." Dominique said, "my favorite bloody brother is fucking gone."

"He's our only brother and language" Vic said.

"Guys, some people are missing, but right now we have to find them."

"Maybe Kreacher can find them?" Lily said.

"Maybe, but who knows."


Harry POV:

After torturing me fore thirty minutes and than my mum for thirty minutes their was a death eater meeting. The put me in a cage where all I could do is stand up.

"Welcome welcome everyone." Bellatrix said, "as you see Harry Potter is here.Aswell as Mrs. Hannah Longbottom. A halfblood who we shall kill to revive my Lord."

"Now, Fred bring me my wand." Draco said weeirly.

A masked person did as he was told, "Here you go," said a deep voice I remember.

"Now go unmask yourself to Harry Potter."

He did as he was told again. The masked figure unmasked himself and I saw a redhead man that looked like George.

"FRED YOUR F**KING. ALIVE!!!!" I  yelled.

"Yes, I am. I was already brought back."Fred spat.

After the meeting Hannah was killed, this will tear Neville apart,Voldemort was back,and Fred and I were thrown in the dungeons Fred be lifted from what I believe is the Imperius curse.

"Dad?" A voice I recgonize as, "dad your back with Uncle George?"

"I'm actually your uncle Fred. I kinda got resurrected and out under the Imperius curse which got lifted." Fred explained.

"Now what?" Fred II's voice said.

"I know something but will it work?" Albus asked.

"What?" I said.

"What if I got Kreacher in here to apparate us out. Two at a time."

"That is brilliant. Dobby did it with Luna and Mr. Ollivander." I said.

After a long silence I yelled to summon Kreacher and he appeared.

"Yes master?"

"Apparate Louis and Fred to my house. Than come back to apparate Albus and the redhead next to me to my house . Come back after that apparate my mum and I to the house." I said thoroughly.

"Yes master," Kreacher said getting Louis and Fred II first apparating away. He came back and got Fred I and Albus and apparated again. When he came back for me and mum we got apparated to Grodric's Hollow. Where mum and dad died.

"Harry what it this place?" Mum asked me.

"This is where I was raised, where you saved me, where you and dad died." I said looking at the old cottage.

"Oh," Mum said before we apparated to Potter Manor.


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