Chapter 12

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Alexander POV:

My parents finally transfered me to Hogwarts even though I'm a sixth year. My family is huge.I have my older sister Lilian. My twin Thomas. My younger sister and brother who are also twins Maya and Mason ( A/N: Alexander is James Sirius. Lilian is Dominique, Thomas is Fred, Lily Luna is Maya and Hugo is Mason) who are starting their second year.

"Kids time for you to go to the train," yelled a woman with a high pitched voice.

"Coming grandma," we all yelled leaving our rooms to go and get breakfast. I looked at the daily prophet and saw a small group of children were missing.

Reported by Ginny Potter

For a month and part of my family has been missing and most of them don't realize it. My own son, James Sirius, and daughter, Lily Luna, are missing along with their cousins. Fred Weasley II, Son of Angelina and George Weasley, is one of the ones missing.
His twin said this,"I feel like something is missing in me.Like I'm half of somthing."
Another missing is Dominique Weasley. She is the daughter of Bill and Fleur Weasley. Fleur is half veela and misses her middle daughter dearly. Her oldest is the only one she still has since her youngest and only son, Louis, also left.
This is what my oldest neice, who knows the secret aswell, said, "Louis and Dominique are my life.I need to find my brother and sister.Other than Teddy I'm the only kid who remembers them."
Victorie Weasley hasn't been herself since it all happened. She really misses them all.
Hugo Weasley, son of Ronald and the minister of Magic-Hermione J. Weasley- are both sad about the lost of their youngest and only son. If you've see these kids please report them to the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

I read over the article twice before saying, "hey mum how come this photo with the missing kids look like us?" I asked.

"I don't know." Said the 'mum'.


Thomas POV:

Okay I have a scecret. I am actually a boy missing named Fred Weasley. My cousins are now my brothers and sisters but I don't want to be discovered. Only Dominique and I know.

When we go to Hogwarts we'll be under a spell that changes our looks different from what we look like now.

When we got to the Platform I told Dom I was going to find our family not missing. I searched for a while and around the 10th compartment I found them. Roxanne's curly brown locks were straight for some reason, most likely mum. Albus was wearing a blue plad shirt which wasn't bad I guess. Scorpius immediatly recognized me since he let me keep my memory. Molly's redhair was up in a bun which is unusual for her.

I opened the compartment door, "Can I sit here everywhere else is full." I asked my cousins which was so freaking weird.

"Sure I guess," they all said. I sat down by the window which was empty.

"What's your name?" Asked Roxie, "and what year are you?"

"I'm a sixth year. My parents homeschooled me until now. Thomas Hunt," I said. I feel so guilty not telling them my actual name.

"I'm Roxanne Weasley we're in the same year," she smiled happily as if she were about the prank me.

"I'm Rose. A fourth year." Rosie muttered.

"Hey uhm Rose, do you know any charms to bring back memories?" I asked her.

"Uhm yea it's Memoriso Returio," she said, "why?"

"Okay uhm you'll see." I said getting my wand out, "don't freak out I just want to try something."I told Roxie. She nodded, "Memoriso Returio." I said.

I than took of the charm making me look different.

"Fred!" She yelled hugging me, "what happened?Last time I saw you you were-"

"I was kidnapped Roxie and Rosie thank you" I said. I than turned to everyone else to let them remember me, atleast.

"Okay Scorpius I need to ask you something." I said carefully.

"What?" He said.

"Why did something happen like that?" I asked thoroughly.

"I-I-I can't answer th-that." He told me leaving the compartment as Lily and James passed by.

"Alexander Maya!" I said, "over here."

They bothed walked in James sitting on the floor.

"Okay Thomas why aren't you in disguise?" Lily asked me.

"Maya Alex you have to believe me on thi-" I said before the train stopped and they were gone.

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