Chapter 10

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Ginny POV:

As Kreacher appparated in and out with the missing people we noticed another redhead who I immeaditly recgonize.

"Ginny?" Said the redhead. His voice was so fimiliar.

"Fred?" I said. I forgot for a moment that the whole family was there, "Fred your back!" I went to hug him.

Than Ron,Bill, Charlie, George, and Percy walked in.

"Hey Gin-" Ron began before noticing Fred, "F-F-Fred? Your back from the dead?" He fainted.

Percy was stunned aswell as Bill. Charlie was looking at him than to George than back at him. George walked up to him.

"If you are Freddie what was one of the things we did to annoy Umbridge as we left Hogwarts?" He asked.

"Well we charmed at little pool of water which Flitwick got ride of but kept a bit because it was an exanple of quality magic or something like that, accioed our broomsticks, flew out in style and told Peeves to do whatever he could to annoy Umbridge."

George hugged Fred, "Forge and Gred are back."

Than the kids we're all looking at us.

"Mum who is he?" James asked me.

"James Sirius Potter, I'd like you to meet my  brot-"

"Fred Weasley. Also known as Forge." Fred said bowing.

I drew my wand out and pointed at Fred, "Rictumspectra," I muttered. He started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Tsk tsk tsk," he said, "never mess with me, George, Lee, Alicia, Angelina, and Katie."

"Freddie, it's 2019 and uhm Angelina and I hooked up and had twins." George explained.

"You took my girlfriend?" Fred said.

"You were tought to be dead. Alicia ended up to marry Oliver. Katie and Lee hooked up aswell."

"Wow, I was dead.." Fred moaned.

"Daddy who is he?" Roxanne asked.

"Uhm, guys time for a story but first ANGELINA GET YOUR ARSE IN HERE WE GOT SOME EXLAINING." George said.

"George I'm ju-" she saw Fred, "Fred? Is it really you?"

"The one and Only Angie." Fred said with a smirk. After a few phonecalls Lee, Alicia, Oliver, and Katie we're at the Potters.


Fred I POV:

When I saw the old team (Harry anf Lily came back during the thing sith the Weasleys) I hugged them all. Since Alicia and Oliver got together they have a kid named Jacob. Katie and Lee have 4 kids going on 5. Three girls and a boy.

"Fred?" Lee said hopeful.

"Yes it is I Lee. You've known me since we met on the Train on the firdt day with George and you pranked us by being quiet." I said.

Only Alicia, Katie, Lee, Angelina, George and I knew of that.

"Fred it really is you," Alicia said, "Welcome back but how are you back?"

"I don't know."

Oliver came up to me and said, "what position did we all think Alicia would originally try out for?"

"Seeker since she was small and agile.Ended up to me Chaser," I said.

After our reunion I noticed a buvh of kids. Enough for a quidditch game.. I think.

"Who are you?" One asked.

"Hi, I'm Fred Weasley. Son of Arthur and Molly Weasley. Twin brother to George. Together we're known as Gred and Forge. Also our little group is also 3 chasers, 2 beaters, 1 commentor." I said.

"Wait what?" Said one with messy hair looked like Harry.

"Uhm maybe you can all introduce yourself."

"Okay I'm Teddy," said a guy with blue hair.

Everyone else introduced themselves.

"Georgie you named your kid after me?"

"Yea, your the best twin brother." He replied.

"So Freddie how's the past 21 years been for ya?" Lee asked.

"Well Lee I've been roaming around the muggle world at night." I said sarcastically.

"Okay Freddie you know my mum is a muggle and I'm a halfblood." Alicia said.

"I'm only yanking your wands Leesh," I said laughing.

I than took something out of my pocket, which just happened to be an old Weasley Wizard Wheezes thing I was going to prefect and sell.

"Hey Georgie is Weasley Wizard Wheezes still a thing?"

"Yep," he said, "Ron took your place and helps out when he isn't on Order buisness, auror missons, and all."

"Remember the only Skiving Snackbox idea we never prefected?"

"The one you almost finished with the brain minupulation that could make you know anything the Hermione?"

"Yea, after you died I couldn't figure it out. Not even Katie, Leesh, and Angie could figure it out."

"I think I found a way," I began, "but I don't know."

"What is it?" said my namesake.

"Well Obliviate takes away memories and I while I was dead or whatever I was in, I saw things. Visions really. Of spells we've never heard of." I said.

"A way to transfer brain power into the thing?" Hermione asked.

"No, it duplicates the knowledge amd we could put it in the snackbox."

"I could test it. I am an idiot after all," James Sirius said. He. Must. Take. After. Me.

After hours of trying to get the spell to work on a dog to cat the cat finally barked for thirty minutes.

"Now maybe we should make the candy." George said.

"Maybe chocolate," Teddy suggested.

"Wait, it's a full moon." I said.

"Mooney, You gotta get outside." Sirius said, "Teddy have you had chocolate lately?"


"Guys, you realize some of us, the golden marauders, are animagus," James said.


"Hey mum Al and I are also animagus." LLP said.

"Lily..." Harry said.


James Sirius POV:

After a bunch of arguing we all went to a shack in our backyard we could use. Dad used it until he found out to stop Ted's transformations. We wnt through the tunnel Teddy and Remus first.

Grandpa, Little Lilykins, Fred II,Roxie, Al, and I transformed before going in. We closed the door which lead to Ted's room so they couldn't get there.

Remus took Wolfsbane so he was okay where as Teddy didn't so he had to suffer. Moony will probably help us with him.

Whem they transformed something was off. Teddy transformed into his patronus, which was a Bear. I transformed into a stag and now grandpa might call me Prongs Jr.
Lily turned into a fox and was sly. Fred became a Hyena. Roxie became a leopard. Al became a cheetah. Padfoot and Prongs transformed last becoming a stag and dog.

We spent the night trying to protect Teddy and keep him calm, which was easier since  we had more help.

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