Rise of The Guardians 2

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Thank you for reading Rise of the Guardians 2! We hope you'll like. After reading the story we would like for you to read it's second fanfic!

Frosty Kingdom

So happy reading!


Years after the tragedy at Arendelle,  it is a snowy day at the North Pole, a fine night with Sandman and Tooth fairy, and nice spring with the Easter Bunny and a nice snowy day for Jack Frost. Just as when they thought nothing bad is going to happen after Pitch's lose, something went wrong. The Yetis ran quickly to Nicholas St. North and tell what's going on. Santa saw that the numbers of children are decreasing again! So he set the alarm and called all the Guardians.

Jack: Am I late?

Bunny: Not really. But you ARE 5 seconds late since I came in.

Tooth: Bunny be serious! We got a problem here!

Bunny: What? I just happen to beat his speed.

Jack: Oh believe me Bunny I let you win today cause the next time, I'll beat you 5 minutes earlier.

Bunny: Is that a challenge?

Tooth: (Rolled her eyes and talked to the others) So tell me what is going on.

Sandman: (Tells what is the problem).

Tooth: What?!

Bunny and Jack: Eh? Again!

Tooth: (whispering to herself) Never knew they would listen.

All of the guardians were worried and do not have any idea why would the children stopped believing the guardians. They do not know who is behind this. Until North saw the moon's beam at them again

North: Everyone come here.

Bunny: (Come near North) What is it?

North: I've made my decision. By I, I mean the me and Manny.

Tooth: What is it?

North: We must look for a new ally so who will help us for our power to be stronger than before. And to fight the one who is behind this.

Jack: A new ally? Like a new supernatural being? C'mon there are lots of them around the world.  Why not the leprecon or elves or fairies? But still, aren't we strong enough? Why should we be stronger?

Bunny: Jack don't you understand?! We should be stronger because every time an enemy attacks they always win in the first place. And do you know if we did not take you and put you in a bag we will be vanished by Pitch!

Tooth: Hey! Can you stop arguing you two!

Sandman: (Making a sign that says 'Everyone please don't shout')

North: ENOUGH!

(Everyone went quiet)

Jack: (Taking a deep breath and spoke) Okay I agree. Now who did the man in the moon chose?

North: Well lets see.

North waited for Manny to show who is the next mythical person or creature and a queen standing with pride and honor appeared. Everyone was in shock.

Tooth: Elsa of Arendelle? She isn't even dead! How could she become one?

North: The man in the moon always choose the rightful person for the place. Maybe, just maybe Elsa isn't bad at all.

Bunny: Yeah, hope she won't 'die' easily when she gets hurt. She's mortal! And she doesn't even know about us, except for Tooth, Sandman and North.

Jack: This kinda look unfamiliar and strange or whatever but I gotta go with what Bunny said.

North: Well there's nothing we could do. At least Sandman here agreed on finding Elsa.

Sandman: (Saying ' When will we find Elsa?')

North: How about now? Since we don't have much time left. Jack go to Arendelle and bring Elsa.

Jack: Me? Now? Why not Bunny?

Bunny: Hey! For your information, I am the one who took you. So the result is your the next buddy.

Jack: Okay fine!

North: Thank you Jack for helping. Oh and by the way, here are the snow globes. And a sack if you want.

Jack: Uh, probably not a good idea if I did the kangaroo's way of kidnapping guardians or so to a queen.

Bunny: Again, I am not a kangaroo.

Jack: Yeah yeah. I'm fine. I'll take care of her. No need for stuffs just my old staff.

Jack flew away with his face grumpy, still thinking that finding another mythical creature or person is still a bad plan. Later on, he reached Arendelle and  found a snowman talking to a reindeer. Jack wondered how can a snowman talk. So he get nearer to them.

Jack: Umm.. hello?

Snowman: Woah Sven! You can talk!?

Jack: Hmm.. maybe he do not see me.

Jack made a snowflake a threw it to the snowman. The snowman got hit and saw Jack.

Snowman: WOW! Who are you? You look cool! Can i have your name?

Jack: I am Jack Frost and I am a Guardian.

Snowman: Jack Frost? That's a cool name! (Whispers to the reindeer he's with) But what is a guardian and I'm going to tell this to Elsa.

Jack: Wait, what did you just say?

Snowman: Nothing! Oh! And before we go further, I'm Olaf and I love warm hugs!

Jack: Okay so, I was looking for a girl named Elsa Queen of Arendelle. Do you know anything about her?

Olaf: Sure! I know her since I was built! I can take you to her. Come on Sven. Lets go and lead this cool guy.

Jack: Thank you.

Olaf and Sven walks normally and slow and this is the cause why Jack loose his patience. While walking, Jack saw an ice castle at a mountain. He was curious why would anyone build a castle made up of ice in this hot weather. Then suddenly it snows. Jack was surprised! The ground suddenly turned white and water turned into ice that fast!

Olaf: Sven, I think Elsa changed the weather again.

Jack: What? Elsa did this? I thought she never got a chance to control her powers.

Olaf: Yes she did this and she did this by using her powers and she already knew how to control it years ago.

Jack: So one more question. Why is there a castle over that mountain?

Olaf: Elsa built that. She lives there when she wants to.

Jack: Is that the place we're heading to?

Olaf: No. The place we are heading to is right at the front of us. (Shows the view of Arendelle)

Rise of the Guardians 2Where stories live. Discover now