Caught red handed

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It was one sunny Monday morning and the morning light seeped through the curtains and cast a dim ray of light throughout Katherine's apartment. She'd woke up in an unusually cheerful mood as she normally awoke all frazzled from staying up late the previous night desperately trying to finish an article; this usually meant waking up late in dire need of a coffee. However, today was different. Today she woke up nice and early to prepare herself for her date with her boyfriend Jack later in the evening.

She'd set out her outfit the night before: a simple baby blue dress that came to the knees and a soft creamy white cardigan. She had even planned out her hairstyle, what makeup she was going to wear and even what perfume she was going to put on! To say she was excited for their date was an understatement!

Jack and her had been dating for a little over 5 months now and their relationship was going great. As she made herself breakfast in her kitchen she softly hummed a song to herself;

"How long will I love you?
As long as the stars are above you,
And longer if I can.
How long will I need you?
As long as the seasons need to follow their plan." She sang as she flipped the pancakes in the pan. Truth is, she was madly in love with Jack. More in love with him than she has ever been with anyone in her life before and she dreamt of only spending her life with him.

"How long will I be with you?
As long as the sea is bound to wash up the sand." She finished off the pancakes and served them on a small plate with a dash of warm maple syrup. As she sat down to eat, she carried on singing;

"How long will I want you?
As long as you want me to,
And longer by far.
How long will I hold you?
As long as your father told you to,
As long as you can." While singing in her own little happy bubble, Katherine didn't notice someone sneakily climbing in through her window.

"How long will I give to you?
As long as I live through you,
However long you say." When she'd finished eating, she picked up her plat and went to clean it. The intruder slowly made his way into the kitchen and stopped at the door frame. He leaned against the frame and admired Katherine's beauty; he was amazed how she could look so perfect despite only just waking up.

"How long will I love you?
As long as the stars are above you,
And longer if I may." She sang obnoxiously loud and slightly out of tune,

"I'll always love ya Ace" Jack said with a slight giggle considering how loud she had been singing. Katherine jumped and turned around with both horror and fright.

" long...have you been, standing there?!" She managed to ask between her deep, heavy breathing whilst trying to slow down her heart rate. At this point Jack was in tears laughing and finally managed to choke out a response;

"Only a little while. Kath, yous never told me that you could sing." He marvelled at how angelic her voice was (before she started belting out the last part).

"Umm, I never really sing that often, especially not in front of people." She replied while shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and staring awkwardly at the ground. She was still a little shaken up by Jack's surprise visit.

"Well ya should sing more often 'cause it was beautiful." He went up a placed a small peck on her lips and rested his hands on her hips. He brought her face up to look at him so that he could look into her chocolate brown eyes.

"Why...Why are you here anyways, our date isn't until later?"

"Thought I'd come early. Why don't we scrap the picnic in the park and just stay here and cuddle up in some big fluffy blankets, turn on the TV and watch a movie?" What d'ya say, I'll even let ya pick the movie... and possibly make us some of your amazing hot chocolate?" He tried to persuade her.

"Hmmm," so much for all that planning for their date later she thought; "Sounds like a great idea cowboy."

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